When One IP Address is All You've Got

Learn how to capitalize on this treasured e-commodity.

Don Kiely

October 30, 2009

6 Min Read
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When One IP Address is All You've Got

Learn how to capitalize on this treasured e-commodity.


By Don Kiely


Once upon a time, in the magical land of DARPA, abeautiful baby was born. After trying out several names, her parents lovinglydecided to call her Internet. Young Internet delighted in toys. She didn't havemany at first, but she accumulated more and more over time. To keep track ofthese toys, her parents devised a numbering system they dubbed IP addresses.Internet could ask for a toy either by asking for "rattle" or ""One toy for each IP, one IP for each toy - life was good.


But trouble soon arose. For a long time, the Ministry ofIPs gave out IPs for free, and you could have as many as you wanted. Now,though, its fixed supply of IPs had declined to dangerously low levels. TheMinister of IPs declared henceforth that each IP would cost dearly, and eachcomer was limited to far fewer IPs than necessary for sustaining life. So Internet- who by now had grown to middle age, complete with beer belly - now had toshare IPs with several toys. She could still ask for "," but nowshe had to ask for "www.rattle.com" as well. And life was good, even if a bitmore complicated.


Like young Internet in the land of DARPA, many of us grewup in an environment where we had one IP address for each resource we put onthe Internet. But largely because of the Web, IP addresses are now a coveted,expensive, and scarce resource. So several years ago, the Internet EngineeringTask Force (IETF) - the engineering brains behind the Internet - added afeature named host headers to HTTP/1.1 (IETF RFC 2616).


As the name implies, the host headers define a new HTTPheader that carries with it the domain name requested by the user agent, if any(you can still request a Web page using an IP address). So when you fire upyour favorite browser and type in http://www.aspnetpro.com, the browser adds aheader to the packet that looks something like this:


Host: www.aspnetpro.com


Or, more truthfully, mostof the time it will look something like that. Older browsers, particularlyInternet Explorer 2.0 (and before) or Netscape Navigator 1.0, won't providethis information because they appeared before HTTP/1.1. (See References forMicrosoft's solution to down-level browsers.)


The Web server needs to understand host headers as well.IIS 4.0 and later do, as do the latest versions of most other Web servers. Youneed to be running a server version of Windows to use host headers because PWSand the Professional versions of Win2K and WinXP require one IP address to onesite.


If the browser and Web server are reasonably current, theWeb server now knows the domain name the user's browser requested, and it cando whatever it wants with that information. Therein lies the key to hostingmore than one Web site with a single IP address. Without changing any pages,adding scripting code, or doing anything else to what gets sent to the client,you can have IIS redirect an HTTP request automatically to any of many Websites hosted on the server.


All you need to do is perform a couple of simple setuptasks in IIS's Internet Services Manager. I won't cover the details herebecause there are plenty of good descriptions available (see References).Instead I'll cover a few things I've learned while using host headers for myown Web sites.


Enable Host Headers

The biggest issue is not an actual problem, but it cancause you some initial confusion. You can enable host headers only in IISvirtual directories. This means if you have a subdirectory underC:Inetpubwwwroot (or wherever your inetpub directory is located) and havesimply created a Web application there (by clicking on the Create button nextto the Application Name box in the Properties box), you won't be able to usehost headers. But if you create a new virtual directory that points either to asubdirectory of wwwroot or some other location, you'll be able to add hostheaders. This means you can use the server's Default Web Site because IISconfigures it as a virtual directory.


So let's say Informant Communications, the parent companyof asp.netNOW, asp.netPRO,and othermagazines, wanted to use a single IP address of (the IP addressof www.aspnetpro.com) to host all its Web sites and all variations of the URLs.It could configure its Default Web Site with what IIS calls multipleidentities:


IP:   Port:80   Host: www.aspnetpro.com

IP:   Port:80   Host: aspnetpro.com

IP:   Port:80   Host: www.aspnetpro.net

IP:   Port:80   Host: aspnetpro.net

IP:   Port:80   Host: www.informant.com

IP:   Port:80   Host: informant.com

IP:   Port:80   Host: www.mssmartsolutions.com

IP:   Port:80   Host: mssmartsolutions.com

IP:   Port:80   Host: floyd.mssmartsolutions.com


And the list can go on for however many Web sitesInformant hosts on its Web server.


Of course, this technique is not a way to get arounddomain registration. Informant still needs to own those domain names and mustconfigure them to point to the address, usually through theirdomain registrar. And don't forget to configure the *.aspnetpro.com name (forexample) as well, so that you can use www.aspnetpro.com, floyd.aspnetpro.com,and whatever other variations.


The beauty of this technique is you can use it formultiple virtual directories, each associated with multiple Web sites. And youcan share the same IP address, or one for each virtual directory. There isplenty of flexibility in how you set it up.


Incidentally, there are at least two other ways to hostmore than one Web site with a single IP address. You can do itprogrammatically, reading the host header and doing a Response.Redirect orServer.Transfer to a subdirectory. But this essentially makes all the Web sitesone big Web site, which in ASP.NET means you're hooking into the hierarchy ofconfiguration information as only one issue. And there are URL issues as well.


You also can use a single IP address but different portnumbers to identify different Web sites, such as http://www.aspnetpro.com:1434.The problem here, though, is that users frequently don't include the colon andport number because it's so unusual. And using a port number opens that port upto attack by hackers probing your Web server - one more chink in what is nowbeing called the attack surface. Don't do this unless you have to.



Using Host Headers to Set Up a Multihomed Server: http://www.windowswebsolutions.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=7176

How to Configure Host Headers on a Windows 2000 IIS5Server: http://www.iisfaq.com/?View=A129&P=24

Use Host Header Names to Host Multiple Sites from One IPAddress in IIS 5.0: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;190008

Supporting Host Header Names in Older Browsers: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/en/server/iis/default.asp?url=/windows2000/en/server/iis/htm/core/iisuphh.htm


Don Kiely is senior technology consultant forInformation Insights, a business and technology consultancy in Fairbanks,Alaska. E-mail him at mailto:[email protected].





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