Stopping and Starting Services on a Remote ComputerStopping and Starting Services on a Remote Computer
You can use a MMC snap-in called Computer Management to start and stop services on a remote computer.
July 16, 2006
I thought your Windows IT Security article about giving users the ability to stop and start services ( Setting Permissions on Win2K Services, March 2002, InstantDoc ID 23963) was interesting. I applied the appropriate permission, as your article describes; however, I haven't found a way to stop or start services remotely. I was wondering how a user was able to remotely stop or start a service on a server after permission to the service was granted.
Unfortunately, net start and net stop don't support remote computers. You can use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Computer Management snap-in to start and stop services on remote computers. Right-click Computer Management (Local) in the treeview pane, select Connect to another computer, and enter or browse for the name of the computer. Then, scroll down to Services and ApplicationsServices to find the service you want to stop or start on the remote computer.
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