Microsoft Edge Extension Toolkit UWP App ReleasedMicrosoft Edge Extension Toolkit UWP App Released
If you develop extensions for the Chrome browser then you can now begin to offer those extensions to users of Microsoft's Edge browser in the recently released Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
For those of you who develop browser extensions for Chrome a new opportunity is coming your way to expand your audience for those browser extensions.
When Microsoft released the Windows 10 Anniversary in early August it included the first version of Microsoft Edge that support browser extensions.
There are only 13 extensions available in the initial collection of extensions for Edge but that should change soon as the Redmond company has released the initial version of the Microsoft Edge Extension Toolkit as a Universal Windows Platform app.
This is the app description from Microsoft:
"This toolkit allows developer to convert a Chrome extension to run on Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (14393.10) edition. The tool creates the necessary JSON manifest entries and bridges the chrome.* APIs to the browser.* APIs supported on Microsoft Edge, polyfiling where necessary."
All extensions for Microsoft Edge will be submitted and delivered to users through the Windows Store and I also suspect it will not be a wild, wild west type process where everything gets approved for release. By using the Windows Store for curating the browser extensions for Microsoft Edge they will all be screened for malicious code and other standards to minimize the risk of causing issues once they are installed in the browser.
You can read more about browser extensions for Microsoft Edge on the Microsoft Developer Portal.
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