View all VMs in an Azure Virtual NetworkView all VMs in an Azure Virtual Network
View all VMs in a Virtual Network and which ones are not in a virtual network.
May 15, 2015
Q. How can I view all VMs in Azure that are in a Virtual Network?
A. I recommend always placing Azure VMs in an explicitly created virtual network which gives full control of the IP address space used and DNS configuration. To check what VMs are in a virtual network use the following PowerShell.
Get-AzureVM | where-object { $_.VirtualNetworkName -notlike "" } | select DeploymentName,HostName,VirtualNetworkName
This will display information about all the VMs that are in a virtual network. You can also show VMs not in a virtual network using:
Get-AzureVM | where-object { $_.VirtualNetworkName -like "" } | select DeploymentName,HostName,VirtualNetworkName
If you want to see the VMs in a specific virtual network add the network name in the PowerShell. For example:
Get-AzureVM | where-object { $_.VirtualNetworkName -like "VirtNet115" } | select DeploymentName,HostName,VirtualNetworkName
Note that you need to be running PowerShell 8.16 (run (Get-Module Azure).Version to check) or above for this to work as this enables access to the VirtualNetworkName property.
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