Q. How can I use Group Policy to configure the Windows XP Recovery Console Set commands?Q. How can I use Group Policy to configure the Windows XP Recovery Console Set commands?
November 1, 2006
NOTE: See How can I install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP?
NOTE: See The SET command in the Windows Recovery Console.
If you install the Recovery Console, you can use Group Policy to configure the values for the SET command:
1. Start the GPMC (Group Policy Management Console) snap-in.
2. Select the Security Options object in the left-hand (Console) pane.
3. In the right-hand (Details) pane, double-click the Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy And Access To All Drives And Folders policy.
4. Select Enabled and press OK.
5. Quit the MMC.
NOTE: Alternately, you can configure this setting in the registry of every computer using a Startup script:
reg add "HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSetupRecoveryConsole" /V SetCommand /T REG_DWORD /F /D 1
You can create a RC_SET.TXT file in the %SystemRoot% folder and use the Batch RC_SET.TXT command to set the variables:
set AllowWildCards = TRUEset AllowAllPaths - TRUEset AllowRemovableMedia = TRUEset NoCopyPrompt = TRUE
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