ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB ProgrammersADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers
October 30, 2009
ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VBProgrammers
Bill Vaughn, author of ADO.NET and ADO Examples andBest Practices for VB Programmers (and its sister book for C# programmers),is a name synonymous with Microsoft database products. He s a regular speakeron MS product conference circuits where he clearly communicates a serial streamof understanding to his audience. Only the ripples of bad puns (which naturallyfind their way into this book) disturb the otherwise serious tone of his presentations.
In his latest title, Bill details what experienced ADOprogrammers should think about and how to program with ADO.NET s new classes.The first one-eighth of the book sets up the ADO.NET environment. Then, Vaughnuses the bulk of the space to provide experienced tips and strategies foroptimizing recordsets and ADO.NET objects, including DataSet, DataReader,and DataTable.
He also discusses ADO.NET data filtering, finding,sorting, and updating. In particular, the chapters on constraint strategies anderror management are welcome inclusions, and the book closes with a chapter onADO.NET and XML. Although this topic has been more deeply explored in other.NET XML books, it rounds out this book nicely.
The companion CD contains ADO.NET setup instructions andsample code, which earns this title bonus points for helping eager readers getstarted immediately.
Mike Riley
ADO.NET and ADO Examplesand Best Practices for VB Programmers
by William R. Vaughn, Apress (
ISBN: 1-893115-68-2
Cover Price: US$54.95
(771 pages)
About the Author
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