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April 27, 2008
Product Spotlight
Mobile Thin Clients
Wyse Technology used VMworldEurope 2008 to unveil two new mobilethin clients: the Wyse X90L and X90Le. Bothdevices ship with Windows XP Embedded, GigabitEthernet, 802.11b/g/n/ wireless, Bluetooth 2.0 support, 15.4”TFT screens, and smart card reader with Citrix Password Manager securitysoftware. Solid state memory is used for storage, and the lack of movingparts helps reduce power consumption. According to Wyse, these new thinclients will ship with several virtualization-friendly features. “Customers havetold us that it makes no sense to access a virtualized PC in the datacenterwith another PC on the desktop. They want a secure device that delivers arich experience, and they want to enable users to take that experience withthem from their office, to the conference room, even moving off campus totheir home or other locations,” said Jeff McNaught, chief marketing officerfor Wyse Technology, in a statement announcing the new products. “Wewent well beyond the idea of stripping down a notebook PC, to deliver athoughtful, future-proofed combination of performance, peripheral support,and connectivity, offering Wi-Fi b, g and even n and Bluetooth 2.0.” For moreinformation, contact Wyse at 408-473-1200 or visit
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Network Management
Monitor NetworkAvailability andPerformance
Network Instruments has announcedthe availability of Link Analyst 5.1,the latest version of their networkinfrastructure management and performancemonitoring application.According to Network Instruments, thislatest release uses SNMP and WMIdata to identify network performanceissues by monitoring the availability ofattached network devices. It also canbe used to keep tabs on network performanceby departments, groups andby business processes. LinkAnalyst 5enables the monitoring of WAN, LAN,wireless, Fibre Channel, gigabit and 10GbE networks. Link Analyst 5 is availablenow, and pricing begins at $2,495.For more information, contact NetworkInstruments at 952-358-3800 or
Infrastructure Security
Certificate Management
ChosenSecurity Inc.has announced TrustCenter Enterprise ID QuickStart(TC EID QuickStart), a new on-demandcertificate management service for small and mid-sized businesses.TC EID QuickStart gives SMBs theability to add security features suchas digital signatures and encryptedemail to their IT environments. Theservice also provides managementfeatures that allow IT pros to create,edit, suspend, and delete user anddevice security profiles. Pricing forTC EID QuickStart begins at $20 peruser, per year. For more information,contact Chosen Security at 866-468-2180 or visit
VM Security
Security for virtualized environmentsis becoming increasingly important,so VMware has introduced VMwareVMsafe, a new virtualization securityproduct. According to VMware, this new product “protects applicationsrunning in virtual machines in wayspreviously not possible in physicalenvironments.” In a news releaseannouncing the product, VMwareexplained that VMsafe works withthe VMware hypervisor to increasesecurity against threats from malware,keyloggers, viruses, and othermalicious software. A VMsafe APIwill allow vendors to develop securityproducts that integrate with VMsafe;VMware announced that is workingwith Check Point, McAfee, andSymantec on new security solutionsthat support VMsafe technology. Formore information, contact VMware at877-486-9273 or visit
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Network Management
Manage Network Inventory
Developer Geert Moernaut hasannounced the release of Lansweeper3.0, the latest version of his popularfreeware network asset detectionutility. IT pros can use Lansweeper3.0 to make comprehensive inventoriesof the hardware and softwarelocated on their network infrastructure.The application is server-based,and doesn’t require any clients tobe installed on any workstations inyour network. Network scanning isperformed using registry, file shares,and WMI information. More than 75reporting templates are included, anddata can be exported to MicrosoftExcel for further analysis. For moreinformation, contact Geert at [email protected] or visit
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Data Center Infrastructure
Brocade has unveiled the BrocadeDCX Backbone, the first in a series ofnew data center networking products.This new product includes support forup to 896 ports of 8 Gbit/sec FibreChannel, and also includes reducedpower consumption features. Accordingto Brocade, this new range ofproducts relies on adaptive networkservices to dynamically distributeresources between servers (bothphysical and virtual) and networkedstorage. Pricing for the Brocade DCXBackbone begins at $180,000. Formore information, contact Brocade at408-333-8000 or visit
Email Security
SPAM Protection
Preventing email spam is the focus of Abaca Technology’s Email ProtectionGateway. According to Abaca, the appliance relies on patent-pendingtechnology—dubbed ReceiverNet—that the vendor claims has a 99 percentspam prevention rate. ReceiverNet evaluates email based on theidea that legitimate users receive less spam, and that email accounts thatreceive lots of spam tend to send more spam. RecieverNet then ratesincoming messages accordingly, and also blocks most malware, viruses,and phishing attacks. For more information, contact Abaca TechnologyCorporation at 408-571-6400 or visit
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