Microsoft's BlueHat Conference Starts This WeekMicrosoft's BlueHat Conference Starts This Week
Microsoft's semi-annual invitation-only conference is set to start later this week. Topics for the fall 2007 event will include Metasploit, DNS pinning, Windows Mobile, Internet Explorer, Office, and more.
September 23, 2007
Microsoft's semi-annual invitation-only conference is set to start later this week. While Microsoft tries to keep the details of discussions secret, the company does eventually provide a minimal overview of what takes place. Topics for the fall 2007 event will include Metasploit, DNS pinning, Windows Mobile, Internet Explorer, Office, and more.
The company maintains a sparsely populated Web page for BlueHat on its TechNet Web site and maintains a BlueHat blog, in which Andrew Cushman, director of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and Security Community Outreach, recently posted a few tidbits of information.
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