Making a DC That Runs Exchange 2000 into a Member ServerMaking a DC That Runs Exchange 2000 into a Member Server
Although unsupported, Dcpromo provides a means for demoting a DC server that also runs Exchange.
October 23, 2005
We put Exchange 2000 Server on a domain controller (DC). Now we want to move the DC role to a different machine. What's the least painful way to do this?
You can run Dcpromo on an existing Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 DC that runs Exchange; doing so will convert the machine to an ordinary member server. However, the procedure requires a reboot, and clients will lose access during that process. Microsoft doesn't support changing the role of a server by promoting or demoting it to a DC, so be careful and make good backups before you use this method. (See the Microsoft article "Overview of operating system and Active Directory requirements for Exchange Server 2003" at for details.) In addition, running Dcpromo on an Exchange Server 2003 system will break Outlook Mobile Access (OMA); the only way to fix it is to reinstall Exchange (which you can do by running the /disasterrecovery switch), so the method isn't a great workaround if you're using OMA.
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