JSI Tip 10076. TRUELAST.EXE freeware outputs the last logon time a particular user logged onto the current or a specified domain.JSI Tip 10076. TRUELAST.EXE freeware outputs the last logon time a particular user logged onto the current or a specified domain.
Jerold Schulman
January 22, 2006
1 Min Read
Download TRUELAST.ZIP and unzip it. TRUELAST.EXE outputs the true last logon time a particular user logged onto the current or a specified domain. It searches all domain controllers and outputs only the most recent time.
When you type TRUELAST /? at a CMD.EXE prompt, you receive:
TRUELAST - (C) 2002 by Bill Stewart ([email protected])Usage: TRUELAST username [domainname]For each domain controller in domainname, searches for the mostrecent logon for the specified usename. If domainname is notspecified, the current domain is used. It then displays theinformation in the following format:Last logon for USER was from DOMAINCONTROLLER on TIMENote that this program requires Windows NT or later because itimplements the NetServerEnum and NetUerGetInfo APIs, which arenot available on Windows 95/98/Me.
When I typed truelast Jennifer, I received:
Last logon for Jennifer was from JSI001 on Thu Jan 19 2006 at 11:55 PM
NOTE: See How is the lastLogonTimeStamp attribute replicated in a Windows Server 2003 domain?
NOTE: See How do I retrieve the last log on date and time for a user, even if they were authenticated by different domain controllers?
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