How can I determine which sleep states are available on my Windows Vista machine?How can I determine which sleep states are available on my Windows Vista machine?
March 24, 2007
A. You can use the powercfg tool with the /a switch to display the sleep states supported on a machine, as the following example and output show:
C:>powercfg /a
The following sleep states are available on this system:
Standby ( S1 S3 ) Hibernate Hybrid Sleep
The following sleep states are not available on this system:
Standby (S2)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
The power states of a machine are:
S0: Working. This is the normal state of the computer when switched on.
S1: Suspend / Sleeping 1: The CPU suspends activity but retains all its contexts in a very low-power state.
S2: Suspend / Sleeping 2: The CPU is powered down and loses its contexts, but the memory retains all of its data.
S3: Suspend / Sleeping 3: Same as S2 but devices will need to be reinitialized at the next wake-up.
S4: Hibernation / suspend-to-disk: All contexts are written to disk in a hibernation file and the system is powered off (same as S5).
S5: Soft-off: Everything has been shut down.
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