Q. How can I restore inheritance if a user was a member of a protected group (AdminSDHolder)?

Jerold Schulman

October 30, 2006

1 Min Read
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If you removed a user from a AdminSDHolder protected group, their inheritance is not restored.

I have scripted Inherit_Perms.bat to enable inheritance ("Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object") and to set their adminCount attribute to 0.

The syntax for using Inherit_Perms.bat is:

Inherit_Perms "distinguishedName" OK


"distinguishedName" is the distinguished name of the user, like "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=JSIINC,DC=COM".OK                  is a call directed environment variable that will contain                    a Y if "distinguishedName" was found.                    a N if "distinguishedName" was NOT found.

Inherit_Perms.bat contains:

@echo offif {%2}=={} @echo Syntax: Inherit_Perms distinguishedName OK&goto :EOFsetlocalif exist "%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs" goto [email protected] Explicit>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.Const SE_DACL_PROTECTED = ^&H1000>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.Dim objADObject, objSD, intSDC, objArguments, user>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.Set objArguments = Wscript.Arguments>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.user="LDAP://" ^& objArguments(0)>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.On Error Resume Next>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.Set objADObject = GetObject(user)>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.Wscript.Echo objADObject.distinguishedName>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.Set objSD = objADObject.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.intSDC = objSD.Control>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.If (intSDC And SE_DACL_PROTECTED) Then>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.    intSDC = intSDC Xor SE_DACL_PROTECTED>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.End If>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.objSD.Control = intSDC>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.objADObject.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", objSD>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.objADObject.Put "adminCount", "0">>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs"@echo.objADObject.SetInfo>>"%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs":doitset user=%1set user="%user:"=%"set fnd=Nset OK=Yfor /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%TEMP%Inherit_Fix.vbs" %user%') do ( set fnd="%%a")if /i %user% NEQ %fnd% set OK=Nendlocal&set %2=%OK%

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