JSI Tip 4431. Windows 2000 print driver does NOT push printer configuration changes to Windows NT 4.0 clients?JSI Tip 4431. Windows 2000 print driver does NOT push printer configuration changes to Windows NT 4.0 clients?
November 12, 2001
When using Point and Print functionality of Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 clients do NOT receive paper tray settings, advanced printing options, and other configuration settings?
Windows NT 4.0 print drivers are kernel-mode, Version 2, drivers. Windows 2000 print drivers are user mode, Version 3, drivers. Some settings are incompatible and are NOT handled by the Microsoft Universal Printer Driver.
If you must have the push work, you can force load the Version 2 driver on Windows 2000, but this is likely to cause instability of the print server. I do NOT recommend it:
1. In the Properties of the Windows 2000 print server, press Sharing.
2. Press Additional Drivers.
3. Check the Windows NT 4.0 driver and press OK.
4. Use Regedt32 to navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlPrintEnvironmentsWindows NTx86DriversVersion-3
5. Delete the Version-3 key.
6. Exit the Registry Editor.
7. Stop and Start the Spooler service.
8. On the client computers, delete and re-add the printers.
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