JSI Tip 4006. The Microsoft Personal Security Advisor (MPSA)?JSI Tip 4006. The Microsoft Personal Security Advisor (MPSA)?
August 21, 2001
"Microsoft Personal Security Advisor (MPSA) is an easy to use web application that will help you secure your Windows NT™ 4.0 or Windows 2000™ personal computer system. Simply press the Scan Now button to receive a detailed report of your computer's security settings and recommendations for improvement.
MPSA will scan your system and build a customized report on items such as: missing security patches, weak passwords, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express security settings, and Office macro protection settings. More details on the specific tests performed by MPSA are available by clicking on the "Features" menu option above.
For each weakness identified on your computer, MPSA provides easy to understand information on the security issue at hand, how to fix it, and links to additional information about the issue. Once you correct a reported deficiency, you can run the scan again and see the results of the change. Running MPSA on a regular basis will help ensure that your system stays up to date and secure.
Important Notes:
1) MPSA should not be used to scan Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 Servers. MPSA is intended to assess Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional.
2) MPSA does not check for web server related patches. If you are running Internet Information Server (IIS) or Personal Web Services (PWS) on your system, please use the HFNetChk tool to check for proper web server patches."
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