How an MCSE Exam Question Is CreatedHow an MCSE Exam Question Is Created
The ins-and-outs of an MCSE exam question.
June 30, 1996
Functional Group:
Planning and installation
Determine the appropriate installation method for various situations.
Item developer's original item:
A network administrator manages a mixed network of Windows for Workgroupsand Windows 95 client computers. The network operates purely as part of aworkgroup without any server based security. The network administrator decidesto upgrade the Windows for Workgroups computers to Windows 95, but finds that apush installation cannot be used.
Which accounts for the unsuitability of the push installation?
A. Because the client computers are not running logon scripts
B. Because Windows for Workgroups does not support execution of MS-DOS batchfiles
C. Because push script installation requires user level security and noWindows NT domain is available
D. Because Windows for Workgroups must be upgraded from setup files onfloppy disks
Type: alphabetic
Answer: A
Technical editing pass and item developer's responses:
You are the[ED1]A network administrator ofmanages a mixed network of Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95client computers[ED2]. The network operates purelyas part of aworkgroup without any server based security. You want Thenetwork administrator decides to upgrade the Windows for Workgroupscomputers to Windows 95, but finds that you cannot use a pushinstallation cannot be used.
What could be causing this? Which accounts for the unsuitability[ED3]of the push installation?
A. Because Tthe client computers are not runninglogon scripts
B. Because Windows for Workgroups does not support execution ofMS-DOS batch files
C. Because Ppush script installationrequires user level security and no Windows NT domain is available[ED4]
D. Because Windows for Workgroups must be upgraded from setup fileson floppy disks
Type: alphabetic
Answer: A
[ED1]I think this scenario will be easier for the examinees tofollow if we just refer to "you" instead of a network administrator.You won't have to keep referring to "the network administrator" or use"he" or "she" to refer to that person.
[ED2]Are these truly "client computers" if there's noserver? Could we call them just "computers" here and throughout theitem? [ID]Yes, you can remove "client."
[ED3]The question as written is excessively wordy, and saying that apush installation is unsuitable doesn't quite jibe with the statement in thescenario that "you cannot use a push installation." Can we reword thequestion as shown? [ID]Yes.
[ED4]This is the only answer that lists two possible conditions. Canwe eliminate one of the conditions? [ID]Change distractor C to "Pushinstallation is not available without additional push installation software."
Copyediting pass:
You are the administrator of a mixed network of Microsoft Windowsfor Workgroups and Windows 95 computers. The network operates as part of aworkgroup without any server- based security. You want toupgrade the Windows for Workgroups computers to Windows 95, but find that youcannot use a push installation.
What could be causing this?
A. The client computers are not running logon scripts.
B. Windows for Workgroups does not support execution ofMS-DOS-based batch files.
B. Push installation is not available without additional pushinstallation software.
C. Windows for Workgroups does not support execution ofMS-DOS-based batch files.
D. Windows for Workgroups must be upgraded by usingfrom Ssetupfiles on floppy disks.
Type: alphabetic
Answer: A
Final exam item:
You are the administrator of a mixed network of Microsoft Windows forWorkgroups and Windows 95 computers. The network operates as part of a workgroupwithout any server-based security. You want to upgrade the Windows forWorkgroups computers to Windows 95, but find that you cannot use a pushinstallation.
What could be causing this?
A. The client computers are not running logon scripts.
B. Push installation is not available without additional pushinstallation software.
C. Windows for Workgroups does not support execution of MicrosoftMS-DOS-based batch files.
D. Windows for Workgroups must be upgraded by using Setup files on floppydisks.
Type: alphabetic
Answer: A
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