How do I use the Recovery Console SET command?
February 25, 2001
A. The Recovery Console (RC) lets you access the Windows file system from outside Windows 2000 to perform recovery actions. Four variables make this environment more user friendly:
allowwildcards—lets you use wildcards with some commands (e.g., "del *.tmp")
allowallpaths—lets you change directories (the cd command) to include all folders on all drives
allowremovablemedia—lets you copy files from the hard disk to a diskette or other recognized removable media
nocopyprompt—lets you copy files without being prompted to continue when you overwrite an existing file
By default these variables are set to false. Use the following syntax to set these variables to true:
set [set variable] = true
For example, "set nocopyprompt = true" removes the copy prompt when you overwrite a file.
Before you can use these variables, you must use one of the following methods to enable them:
Domain Controller Security Policy in Administrative Tools
Domain Security Policy in Administrative Tools
Local Security Policy in Administrative Tools
After you open a policy, expand the Computer Configuration branch, then expand Windows Settings, Local Policies, Security Options. Double-click "Recovery Console: Allow floppy copy and access to all drives and all folders," and set it to Enabled.
Use the following command to refresh the policy:
C:> secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy
For a full list of all available commands see Microsoft article Q229716.
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