JSI Tip 5026. How do I change the location of the certificate server database and log files?JSI Tip 5026. How do I change the location of the certificate server database and log files?
March 21, 2002
To change the location of the certificate server database and log files:
1. Stop the Certificate Services service.
2. Copy the database and log files from the default location, %SystemRoot%System32CertLog, to a new location.
3. Grant the System account, Administrators and Enterprise Admins Full Control on the files.
4. Use Regedt32 to navigate to:
5. Change the path in the following value names:
6. Start the Certificate Services service.
7. Make sure that the Application event log records CertSvc event 26, which indicates a successful start.
8. If you receive a warning that the service did NOT start, check the syntax of the paths in the above Value Names.
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