Azure Outages Hit Microsoft Customers for a Second Week

Man the lifeboats, the sky is falling.

Rod Trent

August 18, 2014

2 Min Read
Azure Outages Hit Microsoft Customers for a Second Week

Customers choosing to use Microsoft as a Cloud provider for various Cloud-related services have been faced with a multitude of interruptions in the last two weeks, some of them, including today's major outage, resulting in a full stop.

Last week, customers experiences partial to full interruptions. Starting on Saturday the 9th and leading straight up until Friday the 15th, the outages were not respective of regions, hitting worldwide Azure audiences.

Let's review:

Saturday August 9th

  • Cloud Services and Cloud Services Service Management - West US - Partial Service Interruption

  • Storage and Azure Backup - West US - Partial Service Interruption

Monday, August 11th

  • Virtual Machines and Cloud Services - Japan East and Japan West - Partial Performance Degradation

Tuesday, August 12th

  • Cloud Services - East US - Partial Performance Degradation

  • Network Infrastructure - Brazil South - Partial Service Interruption

Thursday, August 14th

  • Visual Studio Online - Multi-Region - Full Service Interruption

Friday, August 15th

  • Network Infrastructure - Japan East - Full Service Interruption

  • Cloud Services - Multiple Regions - Partial Performance Degradation

  • Management Portal - Multiple Regions - Advisory

Today, multiple services in multiple regions are experiencing full service interruptions, including Automation, Backup, and Site Recovery. But, once you dig into the additional Azure services, you find that HDInsight, Mobile Services, the Service Bus, and even StorSimple are all having their own issues, in part.

Microsoft is working to restore services, but so far, there's been no indication on what the core problems are, or how long they might take to repair.

Let's just hope it's not due to Microsoft getting caught by the same patches that customers had to suffer through last week.

At this point, all I can hear are the haunting words of Mark Russinovich from the TechMentor event last week where he chided Amazon and lauded his own company's efforts:

 "Amazon Web Services is struggling in the face of pricing pressure by us and Google. People are starting to realize we're in it to win."

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18

Just sayin'

UPDATE: As of this morning, August 19, the Azure status dashboard shows 'all green' across the board. Overnight, Microsoft repaired the problems and each Azure service is not up and running. With the number of outages in the past two weeks, we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again anytime soon, while we wait for full disclosure from Microsoft.

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