Quick Tip: How to Use a Custom Gamer Picture on Xbox OneQuick Tip: How to Use a Custom Gamer Picture on Xbox One
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At long last the Xbox team has added a feature to the Xbox One console, this is another part of the continued Creators Update development, that allows gamers and club owners to use a custom image to represent their profile/club to others.
This is currently available to Xbox Insiders in the Alpha Preview Ring and should continue to roll out for other Xbox Insider rings over the next several days. Ultimately, it will become a standard part of the Xbox One console for all users.
Personally, I love the idea of using a customized image for my Xbox One profile because I can now standardize my image/avatar across all channels which is my preference. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my Xbox Avatar and the customization options that are available but I like the idea of moving beyond those limited options. These days everything is about customization.
At this point in the features development, grabbing an image from your OneDrive cloud based storage is not supported so you must use a USB drive as indicated in the guide from Microsoft. I would expect this to be supported in the near future since the console already supports accessing your cloud storage through the OneDrive app.
Here are the instructions from Microsoft to Insiders on how you use a custom image for your profile avatar or your Club.
Xbox One Profiles
-- Prepare a custom Gamerpic image. The image must be at least 1080 x 1080 pixels. The following formats are supported: png, jpg.
-- Save the image to a USB flash drive, and insert the drive into one of the Xbox One’s USB ports.
-- On your Xbox One, launch the Guide, select your Profile, and navigate to My profile > Customize profile > Change gamerpic.
-- Select Upload a custom image, select your USB flash drive, and choose your custom Gamerpic image.
-- The image will load into an editor; use LT, RT, and right stick to highlight what section of the image will become your Gamerpic.
-- Once satisfied, select Upload.
Xbox Clubs
-- Prepare a custom Club image. Club profile pics must be at least 1080 x 1080 pixels, and Club background images must be at least 1920 x 1080 pixels. The following formats are supported: png, jpg.
-- Save the image(s) to a USB flash drive, and insert the drive into one of the Xbox One’s USB ports.
-- Navigate to your Club Info page and select Change profile pic or Add background image.
-- Select your USB flash drive, and choose your custom image.
-- The image will load into an editor; use LT, RT, and right stick to highlight what section of the image will become your Club profile pic or Club background image.
-- Once satisfied, select Upload.
This gallery will show you the process of customizing your gamer pic using the new feature to upload your own image.
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