JSI Tip 8173. When you attempt to add a built-in group to a domain local group in Windows Server 2003, you receive 'A new member could not be added'?JSI Tip 8173. When you attempt to add a built-in group to a domain local group in Windows Server 2003, you receive 'A new member could not be added'?
June 20, 2004
When you attempt to add a built-in group to a domain local group using Active Directory Users and Computers, you receive:
The following Active Directory error occurred: A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.
When you attempt the Windows 2000 workaround:
net localgroup "" "NT AuthorityAuthenticated Users" /ADD
you receive:
System error 1388 has occurred. A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.
When you attempt to see if enumerating error 1388 provides additional information, typing net helpmsg 1388, returns:
A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.
In Windows Server 2003, domain local groups can contain any security principal except a built-in group.
NOTE: See Windows 2000 group types and scope usage.
NOTE: For Windows 2000 Server, see How to Add Special Groups to Built-In Groups.
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