Whitepaper - Deploying Windows 10 in your School DistrictWhitepaper - Deploying Windows 10 in your School District
If you are an IT Pro or manager in a school district then this whitepaper may help you answer a lot of questions about migrating your computers and devices to Windows 10.
If you are an IT Pro or IT Manager in a school district then this whitepaper may help you answer a lot of questions about migrating your computers and devices to Windows 10.
A few weeks ago I shared another similar resource called the Windows 10 for Education TechNet Portal and in that article I briefly mentioned the Set Up School PCs App that can be used to move systems to Windows 10 in a classroom or single school scenario.
This new whitepaper, Deploy Windows 10 in a school district, goes into much greater detail about a district wide roll out of Windows 10 and provides information about all stages of that process from planning to maintenance/management of the entire districts IT infrastructure.
Here is the abstract:
"Responsible for deploying the Windows 10 operating system in your school district? Learn how to integrate your school environments with Microsoft Office 365, Active Directory Domain Services, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune, and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. Deploy Windows 10 and apps to new devices, or upgrade existing devices to Windows 10. Manage staff, faculty, students, apps, and devices through a combination of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), Intune, System Center Configuration Manager, and Group Policy."
The 69 page document (PDF, 946KB) is broken down into the following subject areas:
Prepare for district deployment
Select deployment and management methods
Prepare the admin device
Create and configure Office 365
Select an Office 365 user account-creation method
Bulk import users and group accounts into AD DS
Bulk import user and group accounts into Office 365
Assign user licenses for Azure AD Premium
Create and configure a Windows Store for Business portal
Plan for deployment
Prepare for deployment
Capture the reference image
Prepare for device management
Deploy Windows 10 to devices
Maintain Windows devices and Office 365
As you can see this is an in-depth document that is intended to give you all the tools and information you need to perform migrations to most any number of devices.
But, wait...there's probably more so be sure to follow me on Twitter and Google+.
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