Script Execution Vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Outlook Web AccessScript Execution Vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Outlook Web Access
A flaw exists in the interaction between Microsoft Exchange Server Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) with message attachments.
June 7, 2001
Reported June 08, 2001, byMicrosoft.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server using Outlook Web Access
Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Server using Outlook Web Access
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Aflaw exists in the interaction between Microsoft Exchange Server Outlook WebAccess (OWA) and Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) with message attachments. Ifan attachment contains HTML code that includes script, the script will executewhen the user opens the attachment, regardless of the attachment type. BecauseOWA requires that the user enable scripting in the zone where the OWA server islocated, this script can take action against the user’s Exchange mailbox as ifthe script were the user, including modifying and manipulating messages.
Thevendor, Microsoft, has acknowledged thisvulnerability and recommends that users immediately apply the patchmentioned in Security Bulletin MS01-030.
Discovered by JoaoGouveia.
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