VMware Experts on TwitterVMware Experts on Twitter
Sometime last year I posted an article listing some of the best Microsoft Hyper-V resources on Twitter. It was one of the most well-received articles I'd posted in 2011, so I thought it would be fair to share the love with IT pros that favor VMware virtualization products over what Microsoft has to offer.
May 7, 2012
Updated (5/8/12 9:13AM MT): Added Ruben Spruijt (@rspruijt), Maish Saidel-Keesing (@maishsk), and Maish's Twitter list of 2012 vExperts.
Sometime last year I posted an article listing some of the best Microsoft Hyper-V resources on Twitter. It was one of the most well-received articles I'd posted in 2011, so I thought it would be fair to share the love with IT pros that favor VMware virtualization products over what Microsoft has to offer.
As is the case with Microsoft's Hyper-V, Twitter has emerged as an invaluable resource for news, technical assistance, and community networking for VMware-focused IT professionals. The #vmware hashtag is often used to tag VMware-related Twitter content, so you can search for VMware-related tweets using that as well. Our article on Twitter hashtags for IT professionals may also be useful for IT pros trying to get the most out of Twitter.
A hat tip also to Ruben Spruijt and Maish Saidel-Keesing for pointing out Maish's Twitter list of 2012 VMware vExperts.
Just a quick note about the criteria I used to put this list together: There are many very smart people who know VMware products inside and out, but if they don't have a Twitter account that deals primarily with VMware products, they're not on this list.
As was the case with my Hyper-V resource list on Twitter, I'm absolutely open to suggestions and additions from readers. If you've found someone on Twitter that is an excellent source for VMware news, help, and information that I’ve omitted, please let me know by dropping me an email or giving me a shout-out (@jeffjames3) on Twitter.
Alan Renouf (@alanrenouf)
Alan Sugano (@alsugano)
Brian Madden (@brianmadden)
Chad Sakac (@sakacc)
David Davis (@davidmdavis)
Don Jones (@concentrateddon)
Duncan Eppings (@DuncanYB)
Eric Siebert (@ericsiebert)
Eric Sloof (@esloof)
Frank Denneman (@FrankDenneman)
Greg Shields (@concentratdgreg)
Jason Boche (@jasonboche)
Maish Saidel-Keesing (@maishsk)
Mike Laverick (@mike_laverick)
Ruben Spruijt (@rspruijt)
Scott Lowe (@scott_lowe)
Stephen Herrod (@herrod)
William Lam (@lamw)
Do you follow any other VMware experts on Twitter? Share your thoughts by adding a comment to this blog post or contributing to the discussion on Twitter.
Follow Jeff James on Twitter at @jeffjames3 – Google+ add Jeff to your circles
Follow Windows IT Pro on Twitter at @windowsitpro
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