Windows IT Pro Storage UPDATE--Where's EMC's Storage Virtualization?Windows IT Pro Storage UPDATE--Where's EMC's Storage Virtualization?
ITPro Today
February 17, 2005
8 Min Read
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1. Commentary
- EMC Drags Its Feet on Storage Virtualization2. From the Community
- Windows Storage Server 2003 VDS Memory Leak3. New and Improved
- Rayslab Offers Secure Storage Pro 1.1
- StorageTek Launches Free Compliance Seminars
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==== 1. Commentary: EMC Drags Its Feet on Storage Virtualization ====
by David Chernicoff, [email protected] No one in the storage market disputes EMC's position as the 800-pound gorilla in the industry. By offering a broad product line andpartnering with all types of companies from the big-iron world tothe commodity PC space, EMC has done an excellent job of getting itsmessage--and products--out to the IT community. Although EMC hasmade a few missteps along the way (the most glaring being itsdeclaration that tape backup was dead, an opinion that the vendorcompletely reversed when it acquired longtime tape backup developerADIC), it's managed to hold onto its leadership position in thestorage industry. However, EMC has a serious chink in its armor: None of itsproducts support storage virtualization. In mid-2004, EMC announcedit would create storage router products that would include astorage-virtualization capability, but as I write this we stillhaven't seen a shipping, end-user product from EMC that includesvirtualization. The storage-virtualization model lets a storage administratormanage all the storage within a network, so that you can createstorage pools, assign storage where needed, and obtain a single-console view of the available enterprise storage capabilities.Although storage virtualization might seem little more than a management technique, it's one of the best ways to maximizeutilization and improve ROI on the large investment in networkstorage that most large corporate enterprises have. Naturally, the absence of storage virtualization in EMC's productline is a boon to other big storage players. IBM has alreadycapitalized on this opportunity by adding support for EMC hardwaresystems to IBM TotalStorage SAN File System and IBM TotalStorage SANVolume Controller. This new support lets IBM customers seamlesslyintegrate EMC storage devices into an IBM hardware-controlledenvironment. The news gets worse for EMC: Last month, Hitachi Data Systemsannounced that it was incorporating immediate support for the EMCSymmetrix and EMC Symmetrix DMX product lines and pending supportfor the CLARiiON DX products in the latest version of HitachiTagmaStore Universal Storage Platform. The Hitachi platform is verybroad because in addition to supporting all the Hitachi andpreviously mentioned EMC products, TagmaStore supports other big-name storage products, including the IBM TotalStorage EnterpriseStorage Server, HP StorageWorks XP disk arrays, and SunMicrosystems' Sun StorEdge system. Hitachi intends to continueadding support for more third-party storage systems and plans anadditional announcement in that regard this year. The Sun supportisn't surprising: Sun OEMs its StoreEdge 9900 system directly fromHitachi (it's the HDS Lightning 9900). The StorEdge 9900 usestheTagmaStore virtualization technologies and offers the samethird-party support as the Hitachi-branded products. Given how heavily EMC markets to Sun and IBM customers, it'sunlikely that those customers will be unaware of the storageofferings from the vendors that provide their server hardware. Thislikelihood increases the challenge that EMC will face in pushing itsparticular take on Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) on itscustomers. Because ILM is the industry's choice for the storagemodel of the future, EMC's current lack of virtualizationtechnologies could place the vendor in an unfamiliar position:chasing the cutting-edge adopters, instead of leading them.==== Sponsor: Security Administrator ==== Try a Sample Issue of Security Administrator! Security Administrator is the monthly newsletter from WindowsIT Pro that shows you how to protect your network from externalintruders and control access for internal users. As an added bonus,paid subscribers get access to over 1900 searchable articles on theWeb. Sign up now to get a 1-month trial issue--you'll feel moresecure just knowing you did. Click here! 2. From the Community ====Windows Storage Server 2003 VDS Memory Leak A memory leak can occur in the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) on acomputer running Windows Storage Server 2003. When this problemoccurs, VDS consumes the computer's available virtual memory,thereby decreasing the computer's performance. To learn more aboutthe problem and obtain a hotfix, go to .==== 3. New and Improved ====
by Anne Grubb, [email protected] Offers Secure Storage Pro 1.1 Rayslab has released Secure Storage Pro 1.1, a solution that letsyou store confidential data on a secured virtual disk. The product,which runs on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000,encrypts data on the fly, storing all disk contents inside a singleencrypted file that can be easily copied or transferred to anothercomputer. The product essentially hides files that you want to keepconfidential from other users, even when you connect to theInternet. Secure Storage Pro 1.1 can be especially useful for mobileworkers because it hides sensitive data on laptops that could belost or stolen. For more information about Secure Storage Pro and todownload a free demo version, contact Rayslab on the Web. Launches Free Compliance Seminars StorageTek recently kicked off a North American seminar tour thatit's offering free to IT professionals to educate them aboutregulatory compliance issues and challenges and discuss solutionsfor compliant archiving and data protection. The tour, called"Compliance 2005: A Guideline to Renew Your Compliance Strategy,"will visit 15 cities in the first quarter of this year. "Theseseminars will provide IT professionals with much-needed guidance onhow to apply an Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) strategy thatsupports regulatory compliance requirements while enhancing overalldata-management agility," says Gary Zasman, director forStorageTek's Information Lifecycle Management Solutions. Toregister, call 800-786-7835, ext. compliance, or contact StorageTekon the Web. Us About a Hot Product and Get a T-Shirt! Have you used a product that changed your IT experience by savingyou time or easing your daily burden? Tell us about the product, andwe'll send you a T-shirt if we write about the product in a futureWindows IT Pro What's Hot column. Send your product suggestions withinformation about how the product has helped you [email protected].
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