How To: Previous and Next with ConditionHow To: Previous and Next with Condition

Window functions are the best thing that happened since sliced bread. And I’m not talking about just T-SQL features, but generally.

Itzik Ben-Gan

December 10, 2015

13 Min Read
How To: Previous and Next with Condition

There’s a common T-SQL need that involves computing for each current row a value from a previous or next row. For this purpose, T-SQL has the LAG and LEAD window functions. Things get trickier, though, when you need to add a condition. For example, suppose you need to compute the last col1 value that was greater than x; or, based on col1 order, compute the last col2 value that was greater than x. In this article I’ll explain how you can achieve such tasks.

The Challenge

To demonstrate computing previous and next with a condition, I’ll use daily rainfall data in tables called Locations and Precipitation. The Locations table holds locations where rainfall data is collected, and the Precipitation table holds daily precipitation per location in millimeters. Use the code in Listing 1 to create the tables and fill them with a small set of sample data.

Listing 1: DDL and small set of sample data

SET NOCOUNT ON;USE tempdb;IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Precipitation', N'U') IS NOT NULL  DROP TABLE dbo.Precipitation;IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Locations', N'U') IS NOT NULL  DROP TABLE dbo.Locations;GOCREATE TABLE dbo.Locations(  locid INT  NOT NULL    CONSTRAINT PK_Locations PRIMARY KEY);CREATE TABLE dbo.Precipitation(  locid INT  NOT NULL,  dt    DATE NOT NULL,  val   INT  NOT NULL,  CONSTRAINT PK_Precipitation PRIMARY KEY(locid, dt, val),  CONSTRAINT FK_Precipitation_Locations    FOREIGN KEY(locid) REFERENCES dbo.Locations(locid));INSERT INTO dbo.Locations(locid) VALUES(1),(2);INSERT INTO dbo.Precipitation(locid, dt, val) VALUES  (1, '20151214', 10),  (1, '20151215', 0),  (1, '20151216', 0),  (1, '20151217', 100),  (1, '20151218', 50),  (1, '20151219', 20),  (1, '20151220', 210),  (1, '20151221', 20),  (1, '20151222', 0),  (1, '20151223', 0),  (1, '20151224', 0),  (1, '20151225', 40),  (2, '20151214', 0),  (2, '20151215', 140),  (2, '20151216', 60),  (2, '20151217', 40),  (2, '20151218', 0),  (2, '20151219', 20),  (2, '20151220', 0),  (2, '20151221', 0),  (2, '20151222', 0),  (2, '20151223', 45),  (2, '20151224', 120),  (2, '20151225', 130);


Suppose you get a task to compute, for each row in Precipitation, two things:

1. The number of days that passed since the last day the precipitation was more than 24 millimeters (not including today). Call the result column diffprev.

2. The number of days that will pass until the next day the precipitation will be more than 24 millimeters (not including today). Call the result column diffnext.

Table 1 has the desired result for the small set of sample data in Listing 1.

Table 1: Desired result

locid       dt     val     diffprev    diffnext----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------1       2015-12-14 10      NULL    31       2015-12-15 0       NULL    21       2015-12-16 0       NULL    11       2015-12-17 100     NULL    11       2015-12-18 50      1       21       2015-12-19 20      1       11       2015-12-20 210     2       51       2015-12-21 20      1       41       2015-12-22 0       2       31       2015-12-23 0       3       21       2015-12-24 0       4       11       2015-12-25 40      5       NULL2       2015-12-14 0       NULL    12       2015-12-15 140     NULL    12       2015-12-16 60      1       12       2015-12-17 40      1       62       2015-12-18 0       1       52       2015-12-19 20      2       42       2015-12-20 0       3       32       2015-12-21 0       4       22       2015-12-22 0       5       12       2015-12-23 45      6       12       2015-12-24 120     1       12       2015-12-25 130     1       NULL

Try and figure out what’s the most efficient solution you can come up with for this challenge.

Use the small set of sample data from Listing 1 to check the validity of your solution. To test your solution’s performance, you’ll need much more data. For this purpose, use the code in Listing 2 to create a helper function called GetNums, which generates a sequence of integers in a requested range.

Listing 2: Helper function GetNums


Use the code below to populate the tables with 10,000 locations with three years’ worth of daily measurements for each (about 10,000,000 measurements in total).

Large set of sample data

-- 10,000 locations x 3 years ~= 10,000,000 measurementsTRUNCATE TABLE dbo.Precipitation;DELETE FROM dbo.Locations;INSERT INTO dbo.Locations(locid)  SELECT n FROM dbo.GetNums(1, 10000);INSERT INTO dbo.Precipitation(locid, dt, val)  SELECT L.n AS locid, DATEADD(day, D.n, '20130101') AS dt,    ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 2 * ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 100 AS val  FROM dbo.GetNums(0, DATEDIFF(day, '20130101', '20151231')) AS D    CROSS JOIN dbo.GetNums(1, 10000) AS L;

To work!

Solution with TOP

Probably the most obvious solution is to use a subquery with a TOP filter to get the desired previous or next value. For example, to get the previous date where the precipitation value was greater than 24 (call it prevdt), you’d use the following subquery (assuming you alias the outer instance of Precipitation P1):

( SELECT TOP (1) dt    FROM dbo.Precipitation AS P2    WHERE P2.locid = P1.locid  AND P2.dt < P1.dt  AND val > 24    ORDER BY P2.dt DESC ) AS prevdt

Similarly, to get the next date where the precipitation value is greater than 24 (call it nextdt), you’d use the following subquery:

( SELECT TOP (1) dt    FROM dbo.Precipitation AS P2    WHERE P2.locid = P1.locid  AND P2.dt > P1.dt  AND val > 24    ORDER BY P2.dt ) AS nextdt

Here the complete query computing both prevdt and nextdt:

SELECT locid, dt, val,  ( SELECT TOP (1) dt    FROM dbo.Precipitation AS P2    WHERE P2.locid = P1.locid  AND P2.dt < P1.dt  AND val > 24    ORDER BY P2.dt DESC ) AS prevdt,  ( SELECT TOP (1) dt    FROM dbo.Precipitation AS P2    WHERE P2.locid = P1.locid  AND P2.dt > P1.dt  AND val > 24    ORDER BY P2.dt ) AS nextdtFROM dbo.Precipitation AS P1/* ORDER BY locid, dt */ ; -- uncomment to present ordered

This query generates the output shown in Table 2 (presented sorted by location and date).

Table 2: Result of Step1

locid       dt     val     prevdt     nextdt----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------1       2015-12-14 10      NULL       2015-12-171       2015-12-15 0       NULL       2015-12-171       2015-12-16 0       NULL       2015-12-171       2015-12-17 100     NULL       2015-12-181       2015-12-18 50      2015-12-17 2015-12-201       2015-12-19 20      2015-12-18 2015-12-201       2015-12-20 210     2015-12-18 2015-12-251       2015-12-21 20      2015-12-20 2015-12-251       2015-12-22 0       2015-12-20 2015-12-251       2015-12-23 0       2015-12-20 2015-12-251       2015-12-24 0       2015-12-20 2015-12-251       2015-12-25 40      2015-12-20 NULL2       2015-12-14 0       NULL       2015-12-152       2015-12-15 140     NULL       2015-12-162       2015-12-16 60      2015-12-15 2015-12-172       2015-12-17 40      2015-12-16 2015-12-232       2015-12-18 0       2015-12-17 2015-12-232       2015-12-19 20      2015-12-17 2015-12-232       2015-12-20 0       2015-12-17 2015-12-232       2015-12-21 0       2015-12-17 2015-12-232       2015-12-22 0       2015-12-17 2015-12-232       2015-12-23 45      2015-12-17 2015-12-242       2015-12-24 120     2015-12-23 2015-12-252       2015-12-25 130     2015-12-24 NULL

Remember that you need to compute the difference in terms of days between prevdt and dt (call it diffprev), and between dt and nextdt (call it diffnext). For this, you need to use the DATEDIFF function with inputs based on the current date and the results of the TOP subqueries. If you want to avoid providing the subqueries directly as inputs to the DATEDIFF function, you can use the CROSS APPLY operator and a derived table based on the VALUES clause to define the prevdt and nextdt aliases in the FROM clause. Since the FROM clause is logically evaluated before the SELECT clause, aliases that you define in the FROM clause are made available to computations in the SELECT clause. Here’s the completer solution query applying this approach:

SELECT locid, dt, val,  DATEDIFF(day, prevdt, dt) AS diffprev,  DATEDIFF(day, dt, nextdt) AS diffnextFROM dbo.Precipitation AS P1  CROSS APPLY    ( VALUES(     ( SELECT TOP (1) dt      FROM dbo.Precipitation AS P2      WHERE P2.locid = P1.locid        AND P2.dt < P1.dt        AND val > 24      ORDER BY P2.dt DESC ),    ( SELECT TOP (1) dt      FROM dbo.Precipitation AS P2      WHERE P2.locid = P1.locid        AND P2.dt > P1.dt        AND val > 24      ORDER BY P2.dt )  ) ) AS A(prevdt, nextdt)/* ORDER BY locid, dt */ ; -- uncomment to present ordered

The query plan I got for this query is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Plan for solution with TOP

Notice that for each row in Precipitation you get two index seek operations—one to compute prvdt and another to compute nextdt. This results in a very high number of logical reads. The execution of this query took 71 seconds to complete on my system, preforming 65,844,026 logical reads (reported by an Extended Events session). Note that this is the only query that I ran on my laptop. In reality, if this query runs in a system where lots of other queries are executed, there’re will be contention due to the excessive I/O operations it performs. It’s probably a good idea to look for a solution that performs fewer reads.

By the way: Often you only need to compute a previous or next value, but not both. When I ran this solution computing only diffprev, removing the computation of diffnext, it took 42 seconds to complete. Still, the number of reads is in the dozens of millions.

Solution with window functions

You can achieve the same task using window functions, resulting in a plan that performs significantly fewer reads. First, compute a value called gooddt representing the current date when the precipitation value is greater than 24 and NULL otherwise. Then, compute prevdt with the MAX window function applied to gooddt, with the frame ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING. Similarly, compute nextdt with the MIN window function applied to gooddt, with the frame ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING. The rest is the same as in the previous solution. Here’s the complete solution query:

WITH C AS(  SELECT *,    MAX(gooddt) OVER(PARTITION BY locid             ORDER BY dt             ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) AS prevdt,    MIN(gooddt) OVER(PARTITION BY locid             ORDER BY dt             ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS nextdt  FROM dbo.Precipitation    CROSS APPLY ( VALUES( CASE WHEN val > 24 THEN dt END ) ) AS A(gooddt))SELECT locid, dt, val,  DATEDIFF(day, prevdt, dt) AS diffprev,  DATEDIFF(day, dt, nextdt) AS diffnextFROM C/* ORDER BY locid, dt */ ; -- uncomment to present ordered

I got the plan shown in Figure 2 for this query.

Figure 2: Plan for solution with window functions

It took this query 51 seconds to complete on my system (and 33 seconds when computing only diffprev). The important thing, though, is that the number of reads dropped by three orders of magnitude to 64,769 (including for spilling the sort to tempdb). This means that this query will generate much less contention on I/O resources in an environment with multiple queries running concurrently.

You can achieve further optimization using Adam Machanic’s parallel CROSS APPLY trick where you query the Locations table, and with the CROSS APPLY operator, apply the solution’s logic to a single location. This trick tends to get better treatment of parallelism, and also breaks operations like sorting that scale in an extra linear fashion to multiple smaller operations that in total perform better.

To implement this technique first use the code in Listing 3 to encapsulate the solution’s logic for a single location in an inline table-valued function.

Listing 3: Encapsulate logic for single location in inline TVF

IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.GetDiff', N'IF') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetDiff;GOCREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetDiff(@locid AS INT, @minprecip AS INT) RETURNS TABLEASRETURN  WITH C AS  (    SELECT dt, val,  MAX(gooddt) OVER(ORDER BY dt           ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) AS prevdt,  MIN(gooddt) OVER(ORDER BY dt           ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS nextdt    FROM dbo.Precipitation  CROSS APPLY ( VALUES( CASE WHEN val > @minprecip THEN dt END ) ) AS A(gooddt)    WHERE locid = @locid  )  SELECT dt, val,    DATEDIFF(day, prevdt, dt) AS diffprev,    DATEDIFF(day, dt, nextdt) AS diffnext  FROM C;GO

Use the following query to apply the function to each location:

SELECT L.locid, A.dt, A.val, A.diffprev, A.diffnextFROM dbo.Locations AS L  CROSS APPLY dbo.GetDiff( L.locid, 24 ) AS A/* ORDER BY locid, dt */; -- uncomment to present ordered


I got the plan shown in Figure 3 for this query.

Figure 3: Plan for solution with APPLY

Notice also that the sort spill disappeared in this plan. It took this query 41 seconds to complete on my system (20 seconds when computing only diffprev, since there’s no sort required at all in such a case). This query performed 67,375 logical reads.

Return a different value than the ordering element

The last challenge involved returning the same value that is considered also the ordering element (the date in our example). But what if you need to return a different value than the ordering element? For example, what if the task was: Return the precipitation values of the previous and next days where the value was greater than 24? To achieve this, when you compute goodval, instead of holding just the date, have it hold a concatenated string made of the date plus the value, using the following expression which preserve correct ordering behavior:

CASE WHEN val > 24 THEN CONVERT(CHAR(8), dt, 112) + STR(val, 10) END

Use the MIN and MAX window functions like before (call the result columns this time prevgoodval and nextgoodval). Then, in the outer query, extract from each of the result columns the 10 rightmost characters, and convert them to integers. Here’s the complete solution query:

WITH C AS(  SELECT *,    MAX(goodval)  OVER(PARTITION BY locid       ORDER BY dt       ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) AS prevgoodval,    MIN(goodval)   OVER(PARTITION BY locid       ORDER BY dt       ROWS BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS nextgoodval  FROM dbo.Precipitation    CROSS APPLY ( VALUES( CASE WHEN val > 24 THEN            CONVERT(CHAR(8), dt, 112) + STR(val, 10) END ) )    AS A(goodval))SELECT locid, dt, val, prevval, nextvalFROM C  CROSS APPLY ( VALUES( CAST(RIGHT(prevgoodval, 10) AS INT),            CAST(RIGHT(nextgoodval, 10) AS INT) ) )    AS A(prevval, nextval)/* ORDER BY locid, dt */ ; -- uncomment to present ordered

This query generates the output shown in Table 3 for the small set of sample data.

Table 3: Returning different value than ordering element

locid       dt     val     prevval     nextval----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------1       2015-12-14 10      NULL    1001       2015-12-15 0       NULL    1001       2015-12-16 0       NULL    1001       2015-12-17 100     NULL    501       2015-12-18 50      100     2101       2015-12-19 20      50      2101       2015-12-20 210     50      401       2015-12-21 20      210     401       2015-12-22 0       210     401       2015-12-23 0       210     401       2015-12-24 0       210     401       2015-12-25 40      210     NULL2       2015-12-14 0       NULL    1402       2015-12-15 140     NULL    602       2015-12-16 60      140     402       2015-12-17 40      60      452       2015-12-18 0       40      452       2015-12-19 20      40      452       2015-12-20 0       40      452       2015-12-21 0       40      452       2015-12-22 0       40      452       2015-12-23 45      40      1202       2015-12-24 120     45      1302       2015-12-25 130     120     NULL

More Windowing Power

Window functions are the best thing that happened since sliced bread. And I’m not talking about just T-SQL features, but generally. Seriously--if you asked me which of the two I’d rather give up if I had to, I’d probably give up bread. It keeps amazing me what wide range of problems can be solved so elegantly and efficiently with window functions. There’s so much more in standard SQL involving window functions, like nested window functions, more powerful RANGE capabilities and other features. Hopefully, some folks from Microsoft are reading this and will continue the investment to add the significant functionality that is still missing.

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