How can I check the VM sizes available in a certain Azure region?How can I check the VM sizes available in a certain Azure region?

Check the VM sizes available in each Azure region with PowerShell.

John Savill

August 20, 2016

2 Min Read
How can I check the VM sizes available in a certain Azure region?

Q. How can I check the VM sizes available in a certain Azure region?

A. There is a very easy cmdlet available that lists all the VM sizes available for a certain region. To check all the regions that offer VMs then see the sizes in one of those regions use the following:

$resources = Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute
$resources.ResourceTypes.Where{($_.ResourceTypeName -eq 'virtualMachines')}.Locations
Get-AzureRmVmSize -Location "East US" | Sort-Object Name | ft Name, NumberOfCores, MemoryInMB, MaxDataDiskCount -AutoSize

For example:

PS C:> $resources = Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ComputePS C:> $resources.ResourceTypes.Where{($_.ResourceTypeName -eq 'virtualMachines')}.LocationsEast USEast US 2West USCentral USNorth Central USSouth Central USNorth EuropeWest EuropeEast AsiaSoutheast AsiaJapan EastJapan WestBrazil SouthCanada CentralCanada EastWest US 2West Central USPS C:> Get-AzureRmVmSize -Location "East US" | Sort-Object Name | ft Name, NumberOfCores, MemoryInMB, MaxDataDiskCount -AutoSizeName             NumberOfCores MemoryInMB MaxDataDiskCount----             ------------- ---------- ----------------Basic_A0                     1        768                1Basic_A1                     1       1792                2Basic_A2                     2       3584                4Basic_A3                     4       7168                8Basic_A4                     8      14336               16Standard_A0                  1        768                1Standard_A1                  1       1792                2Standard_A10                 8      57344               16Standard_A11                16     114688               16Standard_A2                  2       3584                4Standard_A3                  4       7168                8Standard_A4                  8      14336               16Standard_A5                  2      14336                4Standard_A6                  4      28672                8Standard_A7                  8      57344               16Standard_A8                  8      57344               16Standard_A9                 16     114688               16Standard_D1                  1       3584                2Standard_D1_v2               1       3584                2Standard_D11                 2      14336                4Standard_D11_v2              2      14336                4Standard_D12                 4      28672                8Standard_D12_v2              4      28672                8Standard_D13                 8      57344               16Standard_D13_v2              8      57344               16Standard_D14                16     114688               32Standard_D14_v2             16     114688               32Standard_D15_v2             20     143360               40Standard_D2                  2       7168                4Standard_D2_v2               2       7168                4Standard_D3                  4      14336                8Standard_D3_v2               4      14336                8Standard_D4                  8      28672               16Standard_D4_v2               8      28672               16Standard_D5_v2              16      57344               32Standard_DS1                 1       3584                2Standard_DS1_v2              1       3584                2Standard_DS11                2      14336                4Standard_DS11_v2             2      14336                4Standard_DS12                4      28672                8Standard_DS12_v2             4      28672                8Standard_DS13                8      57344               16Standard_DS13_v2             8      57344               16Standard_DS14               16     114688               32Standard_DS14_v2            16     114688               32Standard_DS15_v2            20     143360               40Standard_DS2                 2       7168                4Standard_DS2_v2              2       7168                4Standard_DS3                 4      14336                8Standard_DS3_v2              4      14336                8Standard_DS4                 8      28672               16Standard_DS4_v2              8      28672               16Standard_DS5_v2             16      57344               32Standard_F1                  1       2048                2Standard_F16                16      32768               32Standard_F16s               16      32768               32Standard_F1s                 1       2048                2Standard_F2                  2       4096                4Standard_F2s                 2       4096                4Standard_F4                  4       8192                8Standard_F4s                 4       8192                8Standard_F8                  8      16384               16Standard_F8s                 8      16384               16


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