Exchange & Outlook UPDATE, Exchange Edition-- Are Political Concerns Derailing Your Deployment Plans?--December 29, 2005

What do you do when people or groups within your organization object to your deployment plans?

ITPro Today

January 5, 2006

9 Min Read
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1. Commentary
- Are Political Concerns Derailing Your Deployment Plans 2. Peer to Peer
- Featured Thread: Where Should I Put OWA Components
- Outlook Tip: How Many Voting Buttons Are Allowed? 3. New and Improved
- Manage Your Email Archive ==== Sponsor: C2C Systems ==== PST Discovery, Content & Policy Management: C2C C2C's Active Folders Content Manager is essential for every Exchange administrator's toolbox! - DISCOVERS and acts on PSTs (local and central), mailboxes and public folders. - CLEANS viruses from Exchange on the fly for a layered defense. - LOCATES and REMOVES non-business related attachments. - FREES-UP redundant storage space. - SEARCHES email by multiple criteria. - BYPASSES PERMISSIONS for a total search. - No compromise in mail search capabilities, no compromise in network security. Running automated, granular rules-based processes can save essential time and resources and keep your organization's email legal. Content Manager acts on all local and central PST files as well as mailboxes and public folders. Evaluate now!


Editor's note: Share Your Exchange Discoveries and Get $100
Share your Exchange Server and Outlook discoveries, comments, or problems and solutions for use in the Exchange & Outlook Administrator print newsletter's Reader to Reader column. Email your contributions (500 words or less) to [email protected]. We edit submissions for style, grammar, and length. If we print your submission, you'll get $100.


==== 1. Commentary: Are Political Concerns Derailing Your Deployment Plans ====
by Paul Robichaux, Exchange Editor, [email protected] Most Exchange Server administrators like to think of themselves as technical people. Technical problems usually have fairly clean solutions, and evaluating things on a technical basis is usually a straightforward and objective process. However, sometimes politics intrude on technical decisions, to the detriment of all involved. Take the example of one customer I'm working with. The organization has about 10,000 mailboxes spread across various sites in the United States. The primary site, on the East Coast, has most of the mailboxes; individual business facilities in other places have their own Exchange servers. This customer's messaging team designed a consolidated solution that would move all the mailboxes to a central site, using clustering and SANs for better availability, and also added failover capacity to a remote site. After the team proposed this design, the real fun began, as individual business units started objecting to having their Exchange resources centralized. No technical reasons for these objections exist; the centralized environment provides better support and more capability at a lower cost--a cost that the corporate entity and not the business units bear. The objections to this consolidated solution didn't make sense to me, so I started talking to people to find out more about the kinds of political objections that sometimes derail messaging projects. Boy, did I get an earful! In my role as a consultant and author, I usually get involved after the political arguments have already been settled; only rarely am I called in to settle those disputes. What I found from asking around is that there are several common patterns that occur in messaging projects, ranging from the generic (resistance to change, executive desire to throw business to a particular vendor) to the very specific ("You can't deploy Exchange Server 2003 because it breaks our business-critical application"). The most common objections seem to revolve around control issues: Centralization sometimes seems threatening to groups or individuals who are used to controlling their own messaging systems. Of course, centralization also brings a sometimes-welcome shift of responsibility, which is one argument that's sometimes successful in defusing this particular objection. Personal preference is another recurring theme. It seems to be most common when a senior executive arrives from outside the company and starts looking for excuses to make the messaging environment conform to what he or she had at the previous company. For example, it's common to see sudden outbreaks of RIM BlackBerry deployment after the arrival of a former BlackBerry user at a company that's not currently using the devices. Of course, this more often works in favor of Exchange administrators than against them, as most of the personal preferences come from people who want new and improved capabilities. (I remember seeing a rash of upgrades from Exchange 2000 Server to Exchange Server 2003, driven primarily by the desire to get the new and improved version of Outlook Web Access (OWA). What can you do if political concerns are blocking your deployment? I don't have much blanket advice to offer because environments at different companies are so different. In some organizations, making a well-supported technical case is usually enough to dynamite political roadblocks; at others, the IT department is at the mercy of other parts of the company that provide funding for, and thus feel entitled to dictate to (rather than be informed by), the messaging experts. Sometimes the best solution is to wait out the opposition; regrettably, there are times when all you can do is grit your teeth and go along (perhaps sending out resumes as part of the process). I'm interested in hearing how you've solved these kinds of problems in your own deployments. Drop me a line and let me know what methods have been successful or otherwise. In a follow-up column, I'll present suitably sanitized advice based on your comments.


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==== Events and Resources ====
(A complete Web and live events directory brought to you by Windows IT Pro: ) SQL Server 2005: Up & Running Roadshows Coming to Europe!
SQL Server experts will present real-world information about administration, development, and business intelligence to help you put SQL Server 2005 into practice and learn how to use its new capabilities. Includes one-year PASS membership and subscription to SQL Server Magazine. Register now for London and Stockholm, Sweden: WEB SEMINAR: Identify and troubleshoot common SMTP problems and learn about each component of Exchange that touches inbound and outbound messages. Live seminar: February 14, 2006. WEB SEMINAR: Validate your disaster recovery data and learn if your backup and restore data is worth staking your career on. Enabling Secure Collaboration in the Workplace
Join Microsoft and Sybari experts and learn how to help foster collaboration among employees and partners while reducing security risks and enforcing corporate compliance policies. WHITE PAPER: Determine effective permissions and resolve overlapping permission grants for local and network access, shared hierarchies, and local machine rights. ==== Featured White Paper ==== WHITE PAPER: Optimize your existing Windows Server infrastructure with the addition of server and storage consolidation software and techniques. ~~~~ Hot Spot ~~~~ Breaking Through the Dissimilar Hardware Restore Challenge Failure of a computer's hardware is inevitable. When the hardware must be replaced, the need for a rapid system recovery solution exists. In this free white paper, you will learn about recovery to virtual computer environments, hardware migration strategies, hardware repurposing for optimal resource utilization, meeting recovery time objectives, increasing disaster tolerance, and more. ==== 2. Peer to Peer ==== Featured Thread: Where Should I Put OWA Components
A forum reader wants to know where to store Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) components in a front-end/back-end configuration. Join the discussion at
Outlook Tip: How Many Voting Buttons Are Allowed?
by Sue Mosher, [email protected]
Q: I have a user who needs to use a lot of voting buttons. However, whenever she puts in 34 buttons, Outlook doesn't save the buttons in the sent message and recipients can't see them. What's the maximum number of voting buttons allowed?
Find the answer (and links to more great tips) at ==== Announcements ====
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C2C Systems released Archive One Policy 4.2, an email-archiving application for Exchange Server 2003, 2000, and 5.5. This release now features Single Instance Storage Plus that looks through your email archive, finds wasted storage, and identifies email attachments for a single-instance store. Other new features include IM archival and really simple syndication (RSS) feeds, repository reporting, integration framework, and API. For pricing information, contact C2C Systems at 413-739-8575.


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