Q. Can I extract usage information from Azure subscriptions using PowerShell?

Find out usage of your subscription in Azure.

John Savill

September 25, 2015

1 Min Read
Q. Can I extract usage information from Azure subscriptions using PowerShell?

Q. Can I extract usage information from Azure subscriptions using PowerShell?

A. The Azure module contains a number of cmdlets to fetch usage data, specifically Get-UsageAggregates and Get-UsageMetrics. Below is an example of fetching the usage data. Change the dates and subscription ID.

$reportStartTime = "2015-08-01"$reportEndTime = "2015-08-31"$filename = ".usageData-$reportStartTime-$reportEndTime.csv"$granularity = "Daily" # Also could be Hourly$showDetails = $true$appendFile = $false$subscriptionID = '466c1a5d-e93b-4138-91a5-670daf44b0f8'$continuationToken = ""Do {     $usageData = Get-UsageAggregates `        -ReportedStartTime $reportStartTime `        -ReportedEndTime $reportEndTime `        -AggregationGranularity $granularity `        -ShowDetails:$showDetails `        -ContinuationToken $continuationToken    $usageData.UsageAggregations.Properties |         Select-Object `            UsageStartTime, `            UsageEndTime, `            @{n='SubscriptionId';e={$subscriptionId}}, `            MeterCategory, `            MeterId, `            MeterName, `            MeterSubCategory, `            MeterRegion, `            Unit, `            Quantity, `            @{n='Project';e={$_.InfoFields.Project}}, `            InstanceData |         Export-Csv `            -Append:$appendFile `            -NoTypeInformation:$true `            -Path $filename    if ($usageData.NextLink)     {        $continuationToken = `        [System.Web.HttpUtility]::`        UrlDecode($usageData.NextLink.Split("=")[-1])    }    else     {        $continuationToken = ""    }    $appendFile = $true} until (!$continuationToken)

Once executed open the created CSV which shows all the usage data.

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