Add elements to XML using PowerShellAdd elements to XML using PowerShell
Add elements to XML using PowerShell.
December 28, 2015
Q. How can I add elements to an XML file with PowerShell?
A. It's actually fairly easy to add content to an XML file using PowerShell. The first step is to create a new XML element containing your required data. The example below is taken from a FAQ I wrote about adding a timezone to an unattend answer file when creating a Nano server ( The code below creates a TimeZone element then sets the value.
$child = $xml.CreateElement("TimeZone", $xml.unattend.NamespaceURI)$child.InnerXml = "Central Standard Time"
The next step is to append the new XML element to the section of the XML file required. I needed to add to the component element of oobeSystem settings section which I search for that is part of the greater unattend section and add the element using:
$null = $xml.unattend.settings.Where{($_.Pass -eq 'oobeSystem')}.component.appendchild($child)
Notice the $xml is the XML file and then the elements of the XML, .unattend then .settings and the specific settings instance I want to add to (oobeSystem).
The complete code is:
$xml = [xml](gc $UnattendFile)$child = $xml.CreateElement("TimeZone", $xml.unattend.NamespaceURI)$child.InnerXml = "Central Standard Time"$null = $xml.unattend.settings.Where{($_.Pass -eq 'oobeSystem')}.component.appendchild($child) $xml.Save($UnattendFile)
You can use this as a basis for any additions you may require in your own files. You could also modify the value of existing elements using the same syntax, for example to set a value I could use:
$xml.unattend.settings.Where{($_.Pass -eq 'oobeSystem')}.component..Value = ""
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