Tired of Web Ads? Fight Back with DNSTired of Web Ads? Fight Back with DNS
One reader has come up with a creative way to fight annoying Web ads.
January 29, 2006
I recently found a new way to avoid ads in Web pages. After some investigation, I discovered that the major ad servers of the Web pages that my company's users visited most often were coming from four domains. So, on the company's primary DNS server, I created four zones, one for each of the four domains. I also created these zones on the secondary DNS server. I didn't put any records inside the eight zones.
Now when a Web page points to one of the ad servers, the clients are unable to resolve the ad server's name and hence load the advertisements. Users see an error message that reads, The page cannot be displayed.
Note that this approach to fightingads applies only to clients with a direct connection to the Internet. If you're using a proxy server, you must either configure the proxy server to filter out outgoing traffic to ad-related domains or apply this procedure to the DNS servers that the proxy server uses.
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