JSI Tip 9765. The NTLM network authentication behavior has been modified in Windows Server 2003 SP1?JSI Tip 9765. The NTLM network authentication behavior has been modified in Windows Server 2003 SP1?
September 21, 2005
After applying Service Pack 1 for Windows Server 2003, domain users can use their old password to access the network for a nadministrator definable time period after the password has been changed.
NOTE: Kerberos authentication is unaffected by this behavior change, as is interactive logon behavior.
The default old password lifetime period is 60 minutes. To alter the lifetime period for old passwords, I have scripted OldPasswordAllowedPeriod.bat.
The syntax for using OldPasswordAllowedPeriod.bat is:
OldPasswordAllowedPeriod Minutes
Where Minutes is the number of minutes for the lifetime period for old passwords.
NOTE: This script can be run on a Windows Server 2003, or on a Windows XP domain member with the Windows Server 2003 adminpak.msi installed.
OldPasswordAllowedPeriod.bat contains:
@echo offif {%1}=={} @echo OldPasswordAllowedPeriod Minutes&goto :EOFif %1 NEQ +%1 @echo OldPasswordAllowedPeriod Minutes - %1 is not numeric&goto :EOFsetlocalset key=HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsaset /a minutes=%1for /f "Tokens=1" %%c in ('DSQUERY SERVER -O RDN') do ( @echo REG ADD \%%cHKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa /V OldPasswordAllowedPeriod /T REG_DWORD /F /D %minutes% REG ADD \%%cHKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa /V OldPasswordAllowedPeriod /T REG_DWORD /F /D %minutes% @echo.)endlocal
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