JSI Tip 6019. The Forwarders tab is missing from DNS Manager?
November 26, 2002
When you open the Properties of your DNS server, the Forwarders tab is missing, so you can't forward requests to your ISP's DNS server(s)?
Your DNS server is configured as the Root server in the domain (It has . zone).
To resolve the problem:
01. Open the DNS Manager snap-in.
02. Expand the server.
03. Expand the Forward Lookup Zones.
04. Delete the . zone.
05. Press Yes to confirm.
06. Close DNS Manger.
07. Shutdown and restart your Windows 2000 server.
08. Open the DNS Manager snap-in.
09. Right-click the server and press Properties.
10. The Forwarders and Root Hints tabs are available.
NOTE: You can do this in a script by using the following command:
dnscmd /ZoneDelete . /DsDel
where the /DsDel switch is required if the zone is Active Directory integrated.
NOTE: See tip 6082.
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