How can I create a share on another machine over the network?
August 10, 1999
A. A. From a Windows NT Server machine a share can be createdby opening Server Manager, highlight the target system, select Computer, SharedDirectories, and click on New Share.
The Windows NT Resource kit comes with a utility called RMTSHARE.EXEand this can be used to create shares on other machines providing youhave sufficient privilege. The basic syntax is as follows
rmtshare \""="" /remark=""
e.g. rmtshare \savillmainmiscfiles=d:filesmisc/remark="General files"
You only need to use double quotes around the share to be created and thepath if there are spaces in the share/file name, e.g. if the share was to becalled misc files instead of miscfiles it would have to be in quotes, e.g.
rmtshare \savillmain"misc files"="d:my filesmisc"/remark="With space share"
There is also a wizard to share and administer your NT server c:%systemroot%system32wizmgr.exe.
Remember share names cannot contain the " / [ ] : | < > + ; , ?* = characters.
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