Using VS.NET PropertyGrid control

Using .NET Framework PropertyGrid control using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Windows.Forms; using System

ITPro Today

February 17, 2005

8 Min Read
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Using .NET Framework PropertyGrid
control using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Globalization;



            static void Main()


                  Application.Run(new OptionsDialog());



public class OptionsDialog : System.Windows.Forms.Form


            private System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid OptionsPropertyGrid;

            private AppSettings appset = new AppSettings();


            public void GreetingsOnChange(string msg) {




            public OptionsDialog()


                  OptionsPropertyGrid = new PropertyGrid();

                  OptionsPropertyGrid.Size = new Size(300, 250);


appset.GreetingsOnChange += new GreetingsChanged(GreetingsOnChange );


                  this.Text = "Options Dialog";

                  // Create the AppSettings class and display it in the PropertyGrid.


                  OptionsPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = appset;




      public delegate void GreetingsChanged(string msg);


      public class AppSettings


            private bool saveOnClose = true;

            private string greetingText = "Welcome to your application!";

            private int itemsInMRU = 4;

            private int maxRepeatRate = 10;

            private bool settingsChanged = false;

            private string appVersion = "1.0";

            private View  view=View.Details;

            private FormWindowState windowState=FormWindowState.Normal;

            private Color toolbarColor = SystemColors.Control;


            public event GreetingsChanged GreetingsOnChange;


            public FormWindowState WindowState


                  get { return windowState; }

                  set { windowState= value;}



            public View SaveView


                  get { return view; }

                  set { view= value;}



            public Color ToolbarColor


                  get { return toolbarColor; }

                  set { toolbarColor = value; }



            public bool SaveOnClose


                  get { return saveOnClose; }

                  set { saveOnClose = value;}


            public string GreetingText


                  get { return greetingText; }

                  set { greetingText = value;




            [ Description("This is repeate Rate")]

            public int MaxRepeatRate


                  get { return maxRepeatRate; }

                  set { maxRepeatRate = value; }


            public int ItemsInMRUList


                  get { return itemsInMRU; }

                  set { itemsInMRU = value; }


            public bool SettingsChanged


                  get { return settingsChanged; }

                  set { settingsChanged = value; }

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