JSI Tip 8433. Another way to determine who is currently logged on to your domain.JSI Tip 8433. Another way to determine who is currently logged on to your domain.
Jerold Schulman
September 2, 2004
1 Min Read
When I was asked if there was a way to determine who was logged on to a domain, without inspecting the Security event logs for audited log on and log off events, I had forgotten that I had scripted WhoDom.bat.
Using the NET VIEW command, and Psloggedon freeware, I scripted a new WhoDom.bat to return the computer name, log on date / time, and user name of all users currently logged on to the same domain as the user running WhoDom.bat from their workstation.
WhoDom.bat requires no parameters.
WhoDom.bat contains:
@echo offsetlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONset dom=%USERDOMAIN%for /f "Tokens=1" %%c in ('net view /domain:%dom%^|findstr /L /C:"\"') do ( for /f "tokens=*" %%u in ('psloggedon -L %%c^|findstr /L /C:"/"') do ( set work1=%%u call set work2=!!work1:%dom%=!! if "!work2!" NEQ "!work1!" @echo %%c %%u ))endlocal
Sample output:
\JSI001 08/18/2004 18:46:39 JSIINCAlisa\JSI005 08/21/2004 06:23:16 JSIINCRichard\JSI007 08/28/2004 18:51:36 JSIINCJennifer\JSI009 08/28/2004 18:52:03 JSIINCJerry
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