JSI Tip 8339. How do I recover my computer if the install of Windows XP SP2 failed, and left my computer unbootable?JSI Tip 8339. How do I recover my computer if the install of Windows XP SP2 failed, and left my computer unbootable?
August 8, 2004
If the install of Service Pack 2 for Windows XP failed, and your computer cannot start Windows XP, you can easily recover if you selected the Archive option during the service pack installation.
To recover:
01. Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into your CD-ROM, or DVD-ROM drive, and restart your computer.
02. When you see the Press any key to boot from CD message, press the space bar, or similar key.
03. Press R on the Welcome to Setup screen to start the Recovery Console.
04. When prompted, type the number of the failing installation you want to access and press Enter.
05. When prompted, type the Administrator password and press Enter.
06. In the Recovery Console command window, type the following commands, pressing Enter after each line:
cd $NtServicePackUninstall$Spuninst
batch spuninst.txt
07. Remove the Windows XP CD-ROM and restart your computer.
NOTE: See Windows Explorer may not start after removing Service Pack 2 from Windows XP?
08. Open a CMD.EXE window.
09. Type the following commands, pressing Enter after each line:
CD %SystemRoot%$NtServicePackUninstall$Spuninst
10. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove Service Pack 2 from Windows XP.
NOTE: The spuninst.txt file contains commands to delete all the files that Service Pack 2 installed, and to copy the original files from the %SystemRoot%$NtServicePackUninstall$ folder.
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