JSI Tip 5165. How do I remove some/all of the Internet Options tabs in Windows XP?JSI Tip 5165. How do I remove some/all of the Internet Options tabs in Windows XP?
April 14, 2002
In tip 3810 and tip 3811, I described how to prevent users from changing Internet Options in previous versions of Windows.
In Windows XP, the Internet Options tabs are controlled by a registry entry at the
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel key. Each Value Name is a REG_DWORD data type. A data value of 1 causes the tab to be removed. A data value of 0, or a missing Value Name, causes the tab to be displayed.
The Value Names are:
AdvancedTab |
ConnectionsTab |
ContentTab |
GeneralTab |
PrivacyTab |
ProgramsTab |
SecurityTab |
NOTE: If you remove all the tabs, the user will receive a Operation cancelled due to restrictions message when they press Internet Options.
You might want to copy/paste the following to a IEOptions.reg file. You can change the data value to 00000000 for the tabs you wish to display:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel]
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