JSI Tip 2974. How do a run a domain logon script in the foreground?
October 29, 2000
When you run a logon script, it runs in background. You can force both local and domain logon scripts to run in the foreground on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and W9x, by using the Start command.
To create a domain logon script that runs in the foreground:
1. Create the script as Logon.bat.
2. Create a LogonFG.bat with the following command:
start /max logon.bat
3. Place both files in the Netlogon share of your domain controllers.
4. If the DC is a Windows NT 4.0 computer, start User Manager for Domains and configure the users to use LogonFG.bat.
5. If the DC is a Windows 2000 computer, start the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in and configure the users to use LogonFG.bat.
NOTE: For Windows 2000-based clients, the following Group Policy settings for logon scripts can be configured:
User ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemLogonLogoff: Disable logoff Run logon scripts synchronously Run legacy logon scripts hidden Run logon scripts visible Run logoff scripts visible Computer ConfigurationAdminstrative TemplatesSystemLogon Run logon scripts synchronously Run legacy logon scripts hidden Run startup scripts visible Run shutdown scripts visible Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts
NOTE: For Windows NT, see tip 0099.
NOTE: You may want to use the /wait switch, if your client OS supports it, to delay the load of the desktop until Logon.bat is finished.
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