JSI Tip 1217. Tuning the Windows NT Load Balancing Service via the registry.
April 7, 1999
To tune/configure the WLBS, use regedt32 to navigate to:
Value Name | Type | RangeDefault | D e s c r i p t i o n | GUI |
AliveMsgPeriod | REG_DWORD | 100 - 100001000 | The milliseconds between "I am alive" status messages. | N |
AliveMsgTolerance | REG_DWORD | 5 - 1005 | The number of periods to wait before a host is declared dead. | N |
ClusterName | REG_SZ | Name of the WLBS cluster. | Y | |
ClusterIPAddress | REG_SZ | IP address of the cluster. | Y | |
ClusterNetworkAddress | REG_SZ | MAC address of the cluster. | Y | |
ClusterNetworkMask | REG_SZ | Cluster network mask. | Y | |
ClusterModeOnStart | REG_DWORD | 0 or 10 | Should WLBS start on boot up. | Y |
ConnectionCleanupDelay | REG_DWORD | 0 - 3600000300000 | TCP connection cleanup delay (milliseconds) between cluster mode restarts. | N |
DedicatedIPAddress | REG_SZ | IP address of the WLBS host's NIC. | Y | |
DedicatedNetworkMask | REG_SZ | Subnet mask of the WLBS host's NIC. | Y | |
DescriptorsPerAlloc | REG_DWORD | 16 - 1024512 | Number of connection descriptors allocated at a time. | N |
HostPriority | REG_DWORD | 1 - 321 | Host Priority. | Y |
IPToMACEnable | REG_DWORD | 0 or 10 | Enable automatic network address derivation from primary cluster IP address. | N |
LicenseKey | REG_SZ | License key used by the WLBS cluster. | Y | |
MaxDescriptorsAlloc | REG_DWORD | 1 - 5121 | Maximum number of times connection descriptors can be allocated. | N |
MaskSourceMAC | REG_DWORD | 0 or 11 | A 1 masks source MAC in outbound packets, stopping switches from learning and forcing them to broadcast packets for unknown addresses to all ports. | N |
MulticastSupportEnable | REG_DWORD | 0 or 10 | Enables multicast mode. | N |
MulticastARPEnable | REG_DWORD | 0 or 10 | Enables ARPing from cluster IP to MAC in multicast mode. | N |
NBTSupportEnable | REG_DWORD | 0 or 11 | A 1 enables NBT cluster computer name support. | N |
RemoteControlEnabled | REG_DWORD | 0 or 11 | A 1 enables remote control. | N |
RemoteControlUDPPort | REG_DWORD | 1 - 655352504 | Remote control UDP port for WLBS | N |
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