How do I change the intrasite replication interval in Windows 2000 for domain information?
January 8, 2000
A. As the FAQ How does intrasite replication work in Windows 2000? explains, intrasite replication for naming context data doesn’t occur until 5 minutes after a change. This delay lets all changes transmit at once. You can change this 5-minute delay.
Start regedit.
Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters registry entry.
Double-click Replicator notify pause after modify (secs).
Enter the number of seconds you want for the delay, and click OK.
Close the registry editor.
Reboot the machine.
You might notice the parameter Replicator notify pause between DSAs (secs). This parameter determines the number of seconds between notification of directory service agents (DSAs). This parameter prevents simultaneous replies by replication partners.
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