How can I join a domain from the command line?
January 8, 2000
A. A. The NT Resource Kit Supplement 2 ships a newutility called NETDOM.EXE which can be used to not onlyjoin domains, but create computer account and trust relationships.
To join a domain there are 2 paths, the first is to just add thecomputer to the domain and create the computer account simultaneouslywhich is OK if you are logged on as a domain administrator, if you are nota domain administrator the account needs to be added in advance and thenyou join the domain.
If you are logged on as a domain administrator then enter the commandbelow to create the account and join the domain
netdom /domain:savilltech /user:savillj /password:nottellingmember /joindomain
where is the name of your machine, e.g.johnstation
If you are not an administrator the domain admin people will have to addyou an account first using either server manager or using NETDOM.EXE
netdom /domain:savilltech /user:savillj /password:nettellingmember /add
Once the account has been add the normal user could join the domainusing the first command shown.
See also,"How can I delete a registry value/key from the command line?"
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