Create large number of OUs with set structure and delegationCreate large number of OUs with set structure and delegation
Create large numbers of OUs with PowerShell that match a fixed structure
September 8, 2016
Q. I need to create a large number of OUs with a set structure of child OUs with each OU delegated to different users. What is a good way of doing this?
A. PowerShell to the rescue. I've received a number of requests where people need to create multiple OUs with each OU containing a users, groups and computers child OU then want to be able to delegate full control to the OU to different people. In script below the following is happening:
I create a two-dimensional array with the lab name and location and then a variable which will be the parent OU for all the OUs being created
For each lab in the array check if the OU already exists
If lab does not exists create the OU and then inside the OU create a Users, Groups and Servers child OU
Create a group named " Admins" in the Groups OU
Delegate full control permissions for the created group to its OU
The script is shown below.
$LABs = @(("LABATL","Atlanta"),("LABBOS","Boston"),("LABCHI","Chicago"),("LABDAL","Dallas"),("LABDET","Detroit"),("LABIRV","Irvine"),("LABLA","Los Angeles"),("LABMPLS","Minneapolis"),("LABNY","New York"),("LABPHL","Philadelphia"),("LABRES","Reston"),("LABSIVY","Silicon Valley"),("LABSTL","St. Louis"),("LABTOR","Toronto"))$ParentOU = "OU=NA,DC=savilltech,DC=net"foreach($LAB in $LABs){ #Check if exists, if it does skip [string] $Path = "OU=$($LAB[0]),OU=NA,DC=oneLABqa,DC=net" if(![adsi]::Exists("LDAP://$Path")) { $NewOU = New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $LAB[0] -Path $ParentOU ` -Description $LAB[1] ` -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false -PassThru #Create the child OUs for objects $OUUsers=New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Users" -Path $NewOU.DistinguishedName ` -Description "Users" ` -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false -PassThru $OUGroups=New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Groups" -Path $NewOU.DistinguishedName ` -Description "Groups" ` -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false -PassThru $OUServers=New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Servers" -Path $NewOU.DistinguishedName ` -Description "Servers" ` -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false -PassThru #Create a delegated admins group for the OU $AdminGroupName = "$($LAB[0]) Admins" $AdminGroup = New-ADGroup -Name $AdminGroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global ` -DisplayName $AdminGroupName -Path $OUGroups.DistinguishedName ` -Description "Delegated Administrators for OU $($LAB[0])" -PassThru #Grant the group full control on the OU $GrpSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $AdminGroup.SID $OUacl = Get-ACL -Path AD:$($NewOU.DistinguishedName) $identity = [System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference] $GrpSID $adRights = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights] "GenericAll" $type = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType] "Allow" $inheritanceType = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance] "All" $NewACE = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $identity,$adRights,$type,$inheritanceType $OUacl.AddAccessRule($NewACE) Set-ACL -ACLObject $OUacl -Path AD:$($NewOU.DistinguishedName) }}
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