A Netbt Blue Screen, a Winlogon Bug Fix, and Other Fixes

Columnist Paula Sharick reports on several fixes she uncovered during her regular scouring of the Microsoft Support Online article database.

Paula Sharick

October 18, 1999

4 Min Read
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Netbt Blue Screen
Your system might crash if the master browser, which is typically your PDC, receives a broadcast address of If you have this problem on your system, you’ll see the message "Stop 0xA in Netbt.sys" on the blue screen. The browser causes the crash when it incorrectly processes the address. The problem applies to all Windows NT 4.0 systems, including Enterprise Edition and regardless of service pack level. According to Microsoft Support Online article Q243478, Microsoft released a bug fix for netbt.sys on October 11. You can obtain the updated version only from Microsoft Support.

Winlogon Bug Fix
When you modify a user account and then remotely shut down the system that contains the account, you lose local account changes. During a remote shutdown, Windows NT doesn't notify the Local Security Authority (LSA) that a shutdown is pending, so the OS fails to flush the database cache to disk at shutdown. Microsoft has updated the Winlogon code to inform LSA of a remote shutdown to ensure that account changes are applied as expected. You can obtain the bug fix from Microsoft Support. See Microsoft Support Online article Q243597 (http://support.microsoft.com/, support/kb/articles/q243/5/97.asp) for more information.

Spanish Windows NT Doesn't Delete Local Profiles
To conserve disk space on workstations with multiple users, you can use a system policy or a local Registry edit to instruct Windows NT to delete roaming profiles when a user logs off. As Microsoft Support Online article Q242547 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q242/5/47.asp) explains, the Spanish version of NT doesn't delete locally cached profiles because a Registry key isn't closed when a user logs off. Microsoft has corrected this problem in an updated version of two components, msacm32.dll and msacm32.drv, and cautions that although this is only a problem in the Spanish version, the localization bug fix applies to all versions of NT. You must obtain the bug fix directly from Microsoft Support.

Daylight Savings Time and Multiprocessor Systems
An error in the Windows NT kernel delays changes to Daylight Savings Time on multiprocessor systems. Microsoft Support Online article Q241040 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q241/0/40.asp) reports that NT might not apply the time change for up to 3 hours or until the next reboot, but the article doesn't specifically identify the multiprocessor systems that this bug affects. Call Microsoft Support for new versions of two kernel files, ntkrnlmp.exe and ntoskrnl.exe, that correctly apply the time change. You should apply this bug fix to systems running Service Pack 4 (SP4) and SP5.

File and Print Services for NetWare
Are you running File and Print Services for NetWare (FPNW) on a domain controller? If so, does this system generate an access violation in lsass.exe? Microsoft Support Online article Q240938 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q240/9/38.asp) indicates that the Doctor Watson stack dump that follows occurs as a result of incorrectly processing the access violation. Call Microsoft Support for a fpnwclnt.dll update that corrects this problem on Service Pack 4 (SP4) and SP5 systems.

BIOS Manufacturer Web Sites
If you have ignored Y2K BIOS upgrades for motherboards, video cards, and other board-level components because you didn’t have time to track down required updates, you no longer have an excuse. Articles Q243909 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q243/9/09.ASP) and Q243971 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q243/9/71.ASP) contain about 100 Web sites organized alphabetically by vendor name. Many of the vendors provide FTP sites where you can check Y2K compliance and download updates.

Alpha SQL Server 7.0 SP1 Panic Attack
When you install SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) on an Alpha system with a Powerstorm 4d20 video adapter and the vendor-supplied Tga2 video driver, the installation will crash and display the message

STOP: 0X00002B (0xDE05CFA4,0x00000003,0Xfffffff0,0xf657c000)PANIC_STACK_SWITCHMicrosoft Windows NT [0xf0000565]Machine State at Call to Bug Check PC : 800c0364 PSR : 0000001E

A faulty Powerstorm video driver causes the problem. Microsoft Support Online article Q239575 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q239/5/75.asp) doesn't indicate that there's a new video driver, but you can work around the problem by setting the video to VGA mode before you install SP1.

SMS Package Command Manager Memory Leak
Version 1.2 of Systems Management Server’s (SMS) Package Command Manager (PCM) service (pcmsvc32) has a slow memory leak that might exhaust the memory on SMS clients. To correct the problem, you need to replace nine SMS components in various locations within the Site.srv directory. The replacement procedure requires that you stop the PCM and SMS Executive services, copy the updated files to their respective directories, and restart the services. After the services restart, the Maintenance Manager will replicate the updated files to the SMS logon servers during its next work cycle. To update the clients, either manually run upgrade.bat on each client or force a sitewide client update. You’ll find the list of file updates and a lengthy procedure for replacing these files in Microsoft Support Online article Q241656 (http://support.microsoft.com/ support/kb/articles/q241/6/56.asp).

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