8-way Scalability8-way Scalability
Find out how Microsoft comes up with its pie-in-the-sky performance numbers, and learn whether 8-way systems are really scalable.
August 31, 1998
Is 4 + 4 > 8?
Your pen tip hovers over the signature line on a purchase order for an 8-waysystem. Suddenly you are overcome by indecision, and your pen quivers as your hand starts to shake. Is an 8-way system the right investment for your company and your applications? Will it give you the performance you need? A bead of sweat forms on your temple and slides down your cheek. A cold shiver runs down your spine, and you slowly place the pen on your desk. You realize that purchasing an 8-way system is no simple decision--you need answers before you can put ink on paper.
Is an 8-way system the right investment for your company and your applications? |
If you believed Microsoft's promise of scalability, you wouldn't hesitate to sign the purchase order. In 1997, Microsoft held its Scalability Day and promised scalability of 8-way systems with the Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition family of products, with support for 16-way systems not far behind. I remember this promise clearly because I was in the audience.
Has Microsoft kept its promise? The answer depends on whom you ask. At arecent Windows NT Magazine Professionals Conference, a Microsoftrepre-sentative proudly announced that Microsoft had achieved goodscalability with 8-way systems, citing Transaction Processing Council (TPC) testresults that showed a 65 percent performance improvement for 8-way vs. 4-waysystems. This number surprised me because the Windows NT Magazine Labtests haven't shown such an improvement. I decided to analyze Microsoft's data.
Microsoft Math
Microsoft compared a 4-way system running NT Server and SQL Server with a4-way system running NT Server, Enterprise Edition (NTS/E) and SQL Server,Enterprise Edition (SQL/E). As Figure 1, page 72 shows, the standard NT Server and SQL Server configuration generated a score of 9800 transactions per minute (tpm). The NTS/E and SQL/E configuration generated a score of 12,100tpm, a 23 percent improvement. The reason for this dramatic improvement is NTS/E and SQL/E's very large memory (VLM) support. The 4-way system Microsoft tested had 4GB of RAM, which NTS/E and SQL/E fully utilized.
Microsoft then pitted the NT Server and SQL Server results (9800tpm)against an 8-way system with 4GB of RAM running NTS/E and SQL/E. The 8-way NTS/E and SQL/E configuration scored much higher.Figure 2, page 72, shows the result: 16,200tpm. This number is a whopping 65 percent improvement over the 4-way system--pretty impressive.
However, Microsoft's comparison was unfair. Microsoft's results includednot only the improvement of an 8-way over a 4-way system but also theimprovement you get with VLM support. If you can upgrade your 4-way system to 4GB of RAM and run NTS/E and SQL/E for a 24 percent performance improvement, why buy an 8-way system? Upgrading a 4-way system is far cheaper than buying an 8-way system.
I still wondered about the true difference between a 4-way and an8-way configuration (without VLM support). Fortunately, Microsoft provided the pertinent information, so I just needed to do some math. The 4-way system with 4GB of RAM running NTS/E and SQL/E produced 12,100tpm. The 8-way system with 4GB of RAM running NTS/E and SQL/E produced 16,200tpm. The increase between these two configurations is 34 percent.
Yes, that's right. Using Microsoft's own tests, the performance improvement between a 4-way system and an 8-way system is only 34 percent. And you can bet that Microsoft reports its best-case test results, so your performance improvement will vary depending on the applications you run.
The Plot Thickens
Like you, I take Microsoft's benchmark numbers as gospel and don't botherrunning independent tests to verify the results. Yeah, right.
The Lab Guys and I ran a series of tests in the Lab to verify Microsoft's benchmarking numbers. Unlike Microsoft, we didn't use separate 4-way and 8-way systems. We tested two 8-way systems: Data General's AViiON 8600, reviewed on page 74, and NCR's WorldMark 4380, reviewed on page 78. Both systems had 4GB of RAM and ran NTS/E. To test the difference between 4-way and 8-way systems, we disabled (via software configuration) some processors in each system. We tested three configurations: 4-way, 6-way, and 8-way. (For other 8-way systems, see "Vendor List for 8-Processor Servers.")
In all fairness to Microsoft, the tests we ran on the AViiON 8600 showedperformance improvement similar to Microsoft's TPC benchmarks for 4-way and8-way systems. The AIM Domain Server Mix test showed an improvement of 31percent for sustained performance in the 8-way configuration and a 50 percent improvement for peak performance. (For more information about AIM Technology's tests, see "AIM Technology Server Benchmark Test," page 76.) Sustainedperformance is the key measurement because it represents the workload a systemcan handle under stress. Our sustained performance result of 31 percent for theAViiON 8600 8-way configuration isn't far from Microsoft's TPC benchmark of 34percent.
A more interesting finding was the spread of improvement between 4-way,6-way, and 8-way configurations. We discovered that the greatest performanceimprovement is between a 4-way and a 6-way configuration. The AIM WNT SustainedPerformance test showed a 22 percent improvement from a 4-way to a 6-way systemand a 31 percent improvement from a 4-way to an 8-way system. That's only a 7percent performance improvement between the 6-way and 8-way configurations. TheAIM WNT Peak Performance test showed a 32 percent improvement from a 4-way to a6-way system and a 50 percent improvement from a 4-way to an 8-way system.Again, only a marginal performance improvement of 14 percent between the 6-wayand 8-way configurations. Based on these numbers, a 6-way system is moreimpressive than an 8-way system.
Our tests also showed that 8-way configurations are not uniformly scalable.Our AViiON 8600 test results were similar to Microsoft's TPC tests, but ourWorldMark 4380 test results didn't measure up. The AIM WNT Sustained Performancetest showed a 5 percent improvement from a 4-way to a 6-way system and an11 percent improvement from a 4-way to an 8-way system, which is a performancegain of only 6 percent between 6-way and 8-way configurations. The AIM WNT PeakPerformance test showed a 13 percent improvement from a 4-way to a 6-way systemand only a 12 percent improvement from a 4-way to an 8-way system (performancedropped between the 6-way and 8-way configurations).
The WorldMark 4380 has a different multiple-processor architecture than theAViiON 8600 has. Based on our test results, the WorldMark 4380 is better suitedfor a multiple-application environment than for scaling up one application.
When I contacted Microsoft to discuss 4-way, 6-way, and 8-way performance,the company reported a slightly different spread than our test results showed.According to Microsoft's TPC tests, the performance difference between a 4-wayand a 6-way configuration is 17 percent. The difference between a 4-way and an8-way configuration is 34 percent, which yields a 15 percent spread between a6-way and an 8-way system. Although 15 percent isn't phenomenal, it's betterthan the 7 percent difference we saw on our AViiON 8600 sustained performancetests.
Microsoft's TPC benchmarks focus on NTS/E and SQL/E. In contrast, the AIMtests we ran focused on the operating system (OS), which was NTS/E, rather thanon BackOffice, Enterprise Edition components (e.g., SQL/E and Exchange,Enterprise Edition). We ran preliminary BackOffice benchmarks to verify thatthey report the same performance trends we found.
Now What?
If you're considering signing a purchase order for an 8-way system, aperformance improvement of 34 percent will most likely give you pause. Afterall, 8-way systems aren't 34 percent more expensive than 4-way systems. In fact,an 8-way system currently costs at least two or three times the price of asimilarly configured 4-way system.
Eight-way systems aren't economic bargains. However, they are practical in a few situations.
You might run an application that scales well to an 8-way environment.Benchmark tests don't reflect the behavior of every application. Someapplications probably scale better than 34 percent in 8-way configurations.Before upgrading to an 8-way system, have your software or hardware vendor prove to you that your applications scale to an 8-way environment.
Perhaps you need every drop of performance you can squeeze out of a system.You might have a monolithic application that you can't partition or spreadacross multiple systems (e.g., a huge database). If you've reached your 4-waysystem's performance limit, a 34 percent performance increase might look good atany price.
Maybe you want to consolidate your servers. You can effectively use an8-way system to consolidate multiple servers into one server, provided that youestablish processor affinities for the applications you want to run. If you loadyour applications and let NT handle the processor management, you're asking fortrouble. You'll get better performance if you set affinities for yourapplications (e.g., you assign two processors to Internet InformationServer--IIS, four processors to SQL Server, and two processors to NT). You canset processor affinities through the Registry or with third-party softwaretools.
You might run applications that aren't CPU intensive. Scalability worksdifferently with different applications. If you have an application that is diskand network bound, you can improve performance if you use an 8-way system withprocessor affinities tuned to balance OS performance, application performance,disk I/O, and network I/O. In this case, having more processors lets youdedicate processor resources to specific bottlenecks in your applications. Totake advantage of extra processors, you must know how to optimally tune yourapplications.
If none of these situations applies to you, I recommend that you deploy4-way or 6-way systems with 4GB of RAM running NTS/E. New hardware technology(i.e., new processors) will enter the 4-way and 6-way market long before itreaches 8-way systems. The performance difference between 4-way, 6-way, and8-way systems will proba-bly decrease when the new 4-way and 6-way systems hitthe market (and increase when the same technology reaches 8-way systems).
You can't cure all your performance problems with an 8-way system. Thesesystems have a place in the NT industry, but they might not have a place in yourenvironment. Only you can decide whether your application environment willbenefit from the increased power of eight processors or whether eight processorscan fix bottlenecks in your applications. If you decide your environment needsan 8-way system, go ahead and sign that purchase order. Otherwise, consider theprice and performance benefits of the new 4-way and 6-way systems.
AViiON 8600
If you need the computing power of an 8-way symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)server, consider Data General's AViiON 8600. This easy-to-use, enterprise-levelserver uses Adaptive Memory Crossbar architecture to scale as many as eight200MHz Pentium Pro processors and 8GB of RAM.
Special Delivery
The Windows NT Magazine Lab's test unit came with the maximum eight200MHz Pentium Pro processors, 1MB Level-2 cache, 4GB of RAM, a 3.5" drive,a CD-ROM drive, an internal IDE 4GB hard disk (boot disk), an STB Nitro 3-Dvideo graphics card, 10 Seagate Cheetah 9GB SCSI hard disks, and a Mylex DAC960Disk Array Controller. Data General offers various configurations for its AViiONservers, such as two processors to eight processors, 128MB to 8GB of RAM, andspace for multiple CLARiiON disk arrays.
AViiON 8600 |
Contact: Data General * 508-898-5000Web: http://www.dg.com/aviion/html/av_ 8600_enterprise_server.htmlPrice: $125,000System Configuration: Eight 200MHz Pentium Pro processors, 1MB Level-2 cache, 4GB of RAM, STB Nitro 3-D video graphics card with 2MB of VRAM, Ten Seagate Cheetah SCSI 9GB hard disks, Mylex DAC960 Disk Array Controller |
AViiON 8600's cabinet is 73" tall and 30" deep. The unit'sfootprint isn't much larger than a four-processor server box, but you'll needextra room for its height. The oversized cabinet has a rigid metal rack formounting equipment parts. The components slide out on metal rails, and themodular design provides plenty of space to let you easily change components.Each major component has an independent power supply and a cooling subsystemthat plug into a built-in power strip on the inside of the cabinet.
Two rear doors provide access to the major components. The top portion ofthe unit's frame holds the CPU Module Assembly, a metal drawer that houses themotherboard and slides horizontally out the back of the unit. The CPU ModuleAssembly has eight PCI expansion slots and four P6 module slots. Each P6 slotholds a PCI-type card that contains two of the unit's CPUs. Under the CPU ModuleAssembly is the memory board that contains the DIMM slots filled with 4GB ofRAM. The CPU Module Assembly is identical to the one in Axil Computer'sNorthbridge NX801. (For more information about the Northbridge NX801, see CarlosBernal, "Northbridge NX801," April 1998.)
AViiON 8600's impressive components help Data General provide functional8-way processing. With the CPU Module Assembly pulled out, we easily installedfour Digital Equipment DE500 Fast EtherWORKS PCI 10/100 adapters to connect tothe Lab's benchmarking network.
Raising the Crossbar
Scaling a system beyond four Pentium Pro processors presents specialchallenges. For example, a P6 system bus supports only four processors. Axildesigned the Adaptive Memory Crossbar architecture to support two parallel P6system buses. This architecture lets you build six-processor and eight-processorsystems. Data General uses Adaptive Memory Crossbar technology to give theAViiON 8600 eight-processor capability.
Axil's Adaptive Memory Crossbar architecture uses standard Intel 450GX PCIbridges that connect the two P6 buses and their PCI buses. The Adaptive MemoryCrossbar architecture has a high-performance Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)-basedmemory subsystem, an address reorder buffer, and balanced P6 bus bridge I/Oarchitecture to enable faster transfer speed than a 4-way configuration offers.
A high-performance SDRAM-based memory subsystem offers sustained memorybandwidth of up to 1.066GB per second (GBps). The Adaptive Memory Crossbararchitecture's memory system has 16 interleaved memory banks, providing eighttimes as much memory as a typical Pentium Pro system. Two application-specificintegrated circuit (IC) chips implement the Adaptive Memory Crossbararchitecture. The data chip switches between two data buses and a third busconnected to the memory banks. The address chip controls data switching, checkscoherence, and routes transactions between the bridged P6 buses.
A typical memory controller processes read and write requests in the orderit receives them. An Adaptive Memory Crossbar controller performs readoperations first and delays write instructions, thus increasing system speed.The typical memory controller often stalls during read requests because it iswaiting for write request data. The Adaptive Memory Crossbar design reorderstransactions and lets read transactions complete before starting the writetransactions.
The Adaptive Memory Crossbar's address reorder buffer lowers the overheadon the memory system and P6 buses. Memory requests go through this buffer, andthe memory controller sends the requests to free memory banks. When a bank isbusy, the buffer lets the controller prioritize requests and reorder them tooptimize bandwidth use, thus increasing application performance as much as 30percent to 40 percent.
Standard Intel 450GX PCI bridges connect the two P6 buses and four PCIbuses. Two PCI buses are for add-on cards, offering four PCI card slots per bus.The other two PCI buses are for built-in Ultra SCSI channels. This balanceddesign provides a disk-to-memory speed of 100MB per second (MBps)--enoughbandwidth to support most enterprise applications.
AViiON 8600 came preconfigured with Windows NT Server 4.0, EnterpriseEdition (NTS/E). One of Data General's engineers helped us install and configurethe system. We reinstalled NT and the AViiON 8600's configuration software totest the ease of use. For testing purposes, we divided the 10 hard drives intofour logical drives and configured the drives as RAID 0.
AViiON 8600's installation and setup is impressive. Even withoutdocumentation, we easily identified the major components and power supplies (theunit requires a 220V outlet). NTS/E installation went smoothly. To connect tothe Lab's domain, we used TCP/IP as the network protocol and assigned fixed IPaddresses to the four network adapter cards. Complete documentation for theMylex controller helps you set up the system quickly.
AViiON 8600 includes a five-page Technical Note for installing the hardwareabstraction layer (HAL) and various drivers, and manuals for NuView ManageX,Data General's NT enterprise system management software. Data General needs toinclude a reference guide with detailed information such as componentdescriptions, diagrams, technical information, installation instructions, andtroubleshooting tips.
Tortoise or Hare Performance?
To test AViiON 8600's file and print services performance, we ran the AIMTechnology Domain Server Mix tests three times, using 4-way, 6-way, and 8-wayprocessors. These tests simulate domain server tasks, including light filetransfers; network routing; packet forwarding; email; and shared applications,such as spreadsheets, word processing, and network maintenance. (For moreinformation about AIM Technology's tests, see "AIM Technology ServerBenchmark Test.")
AViiON 8600 had a WNT Peak Performance of 3842.5 and a WNT SustainedPerformance of 2932.9 for 4-way processors. With 6-way processors, performanceincreased to 5083.6 Peak Performance (up 32 percent) and 3584.6 SustainedPerformance (up 22 percent). With eight processors, Peak Performance was 5747.4and Sustained Performance was 3850.0. Peak Performance was 50 percent higher for8-way processors than for 4-way processors. Sustained Performance was only 31percent higher for 8-way processors than for 4-way processors. After hearingData General's advertised performance claims, we expected a huge performancejump for 8-way processors. We were disappointed. A 31 percent performanceincrease is good, but 8-way processors can cost as much as two or three timesthe price of 4-way processors. Not exactly a bargain.
The Verdict Is In
Data General's AViiON 8600 is the best-performing system we've tested in theLab. However, in our tests, the system did not perform as well as advertised. AViiON 8600 is stable for a variety of applications, including the Internet, e-commerce, collaborative computing, and data warehousing. Certain situations might call for an 8-way system, but AViiON 8600's performance does not offset its cost.
If you need a high-powered system that can handle large network capacity, set realistic expectations and consider your options carefully. Data General's AViiON 8600 is expensive, but it might be the system for you.
—Carlos Bernal
—Jonathan L. Cragle
[email protected]
WorldMark 4380
NCR has been involved in the multiprocessor Intel market since the early1990s, with the System 3000 family. The WorldMark 4380 is NCR's 8-way Intelprocessor. (For a review of NCR's 4-way processor, see Carlos Bernal, "WorldMark 4300," February 1998.)
Out of the Box
As I unpacked the WorldMark 4380 8-way symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)system, I noticed its office-friendly design. NCR describes the WorldMark 4380as a desk-side system. The unit is slightly larger than a two-drawer filecabinet, at 27.5" * 18" * 29.5". It requires only a standard 110Voutlet. A typical office can easily accommodate the system.
WorldMark 4380's internal components are readily accessible. You can removeboth sides of the cabinet to reveal the quad-processor system boards, each witha system bus, memory, PCI, and EISA slots. The primary system board includes a1MB super VGA controller and two Adaptec Ultra SCSI channels. The secondarysystem board has a third Adaptec Ultra SCSI channel.
The system is expandable. It has 14 PCI slots, three EISA slots, and ashared PCI and EISA slot; twelve 3.5" hot-swappable drive bays (using the80-pin SCA connector); and four half-height removable media drive bays (inaddition to the 3.5" drive). The processor has a standard interrupt controller thatsupports 16 interrupts, plus two hardware interrupt controllers, for a total of48 available interrupts. The two system processor boards support 4GB of 256MBDIMMs. The system I tested in the Windows NT Magazine Lab had eight200MHz Intel Pentium Pro processors with 1MB cache, 4GB of Error-Correcting Code(ECC) RAM, a 3.5" drive, a CD-ROM drive, an Exabyte Eliant 820 8mm tapedrive, an SMC EtherPower 10/100 dual-channel Ethernet card, and a Mylex DAC960RAID Disk Array Controller with six Seagate Cheetah low-profile 4GB Ultra SCSIhard disks.
NCR's OctaSCALE (its Non-Uniform Memory Access--NUMA--design) is a dualsystem board architecture. The memory controller on each system board includesNCR's Intelligent Locality Management System (ILMS), which arbitrates memoryaccess for local CPUs and initiates memory access on the other system board whennecessary. A CPU accesses memory on the far system board more slowly than on itsown system board (30 or more clock cycles vs. 10 clock cycles, per OctaSCALE'swhite papers). The OctaSCALE architecture's dual system buses help you runmultiple applications. If you use NCR's SMP Utilization Manager (included withthe WorldMark 4380), you can process an application on one system bus and keepother applications on the other system bus.
WorldMark 4380 |
Contact: NCR * 937-445-5000 or 800-225-5627Web: http://www.ncr.comPrice: $109,050System Configuration: Eight 200MHz Intel Pentium Pro processors, 4GB of RAM, Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition, Six Seagate Cheetah ST34501 4GB 10,000rpm hard disks, Mylex DAC960 Disk Array Controller, SMC EtherPower 10/100 dual-channel Ethernet adapter, SMC EtherPower II 10/100 single-channel Ethernet adapter, Toshiba 12X CD-ROM drive |
Reliability, Availability, and Service
An enterprise-level server must be reliable and available. The WorldMark4380 is both. You can configure it with two or three hot-swappable 625-wattpower supplies. (The review system had two.) The primary system board hassensors for temperature, voltage, and fan failure. NCR's server managementsoftware supports these sensors. The system board supports the chassis intrusion detection switches on the side panels and on the retainer bracket that protects the hot-swappable drives. A separate Server Management Board monitors the server's condition and uses a modified version of LANDesk Server Manager to support dial-out notification of critical events and dial-up control of server operation.
NCR provides a standard service agreement: onsite service during business hours for 1 year. You can purchase expedited and 24-hour, 7-day-a-week service plans.
ValuePlus CD-ROM
Hardware is only as good as the applications it runs. NCR's ValuePlus CD-ROMincludes the following utility applications to help you get the most fromthe WorldMark 4380.
PowerMon II. PowerMon II monitors the status of a UPSattached via a serial port. It logs power events and can initiate a systemshutdown if it detects a power failure.
Server Manager. Server Manager supports NCR's entire 4300family of servers. The Server Manager Console runs on any Windows NT system andaccesses the Server Manager software on network or dial-up servers. Servers canbelong to a logical cluster, which lets you use one icon to monitor a group ofservers. Server Manager includes several agents to support specific hardwarecomponents, such as Intel LAN adapters, Adaptec SCSI controllers, Mylex RAIDcontrollers, and APC UPS systems. You can configure Server Manager to sendalerts to a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management console or viaemail or pager.
Server Manager/Remote. Server Manager/Remote includes serverand client modules. You can use Server Manager/Remote to remotelyconfigure and troubleshoot your system.
SMP Utilization Manager. If you execute tasks on multipleprocessors, you generate extra overhead from switching between processors andreloading the cache. If you execute related tasks on one processor, youeliminate this overhead and thus improve the SMP system's efficiency. Bydefault, NT lets processes and threads run on any available processor. SMPUtilization Manager lets you select which processors are available to runspecific processes, threads, or interrupts. NCR recommends that you assign oneprocessor to service interrupts and the driver for LAN cards and SCSI adapters.NCR further recommends that you assign specific groups of processors to majorapplications running on one server, such as SQL Server and Exchange.
WAN Links for Windows NT. You can use WAN Links for WindowsNT with a supported Digi adapter to support Routing and Remote Access Service(RRAS) client connections over frame-relay and X.25 networks.
NCR Enterprise Pack
NCR offers the Enterprise Pack for an additional cost. This package bundles the following support software.
LifeKeeper 2.0. LifeKeeper 2.0 is NCR's server clusteringsolution. (For more information about this software, see Jonathan L. Cragle, "Clustering Software for Your Network," July 1998.)
Master Minder. Master Minder is an automated systemsmanagement package. This software monitors event logs and performs predefined actions in response to specific events.
NCR provides several useful manuals. The Server Software Guide is athorough hardware configuration reference that describes the system BIOS, theDiagnostic Partition, Adaptec SCSI BIOS, and Mylex array configuration. Otherdocumentation includes Optimizing Windows NT on NCR Servers, DesksideHardware Installation Guide, Installing Windows NT Server, and InstallingUNIX MP-RAS.
I was impressed with Optimizing Windows NT on NCR Servers. Thishighly technical reference includes information about tuning the networktransport and core NT components. It also covers application tuning for SQLServer, Exchange Server, Lotus Notes, and SAP R/3. Finally, the text explainshow to use SMP Utilization Manager to allocate system processors to applicationsand processes.
NCR provides a system site log notebook with each system. This convenientreference is reminiscent of legacy systems' field engineering logs. It containshardware and software configuration information, problem and change historylogs, and other valuable information for your operations support staff.
System Performance
To evaluate the WorldMark 4380's performance, I ran the AIM TechnologyDomain Server Mix tests, using 4-way, 6-way, and 8-way processors. (For moreinformation about AIM Technology's tests, see "AIM Technology ServerBenchmark Test.")
The WorldMark 4380 had a WNT Peak Performance of 3483.8 and a WNT Sustained Performance of 3262.7 for 4-way processors. With 6-way processors, performance increased to 3932.1 Peak Performance (up 13 percent) and 3424.5 Sustained Performance (up 5 percent). With 8-way processors, Peak Performance was 3904.4 and Sustained Performance was 3631.4. Peak Performance was only 12 percent higher for 8-way processors than for 4-way processors. Sustained Performance was only 11 percent higher for 8-way processors than for 4-way processors. These results are nothing to write home about.
System performance and throughput depend on the workload you process. Mytests did not simulate multiple-application (e.g., SQL Server and ExchangeServer) workloads. NCR is positioning the WorldMark 4380 as amultiple-application system. For example, SMP Utilization Manager is mostvaluable for running multiple applications. WorldMark 4380 is a solid systemthat provides good performance in a small package that you can easily expand.This 8-way system is beneficial in certain situations, but many IS managers will want to keep looking, or stick with their 4-way systems.
—John Green
[email protected]
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