What’s New in Microsoft’s .NET Framework 3.0?What’s New in Microsoft’s .NET Framework 3.0?
Joydip Kanjilal briefly discusses the four new components of Microsoft’s.NET Framework 3.0.
October 30, 2009
What s New in Microsoft s .NET Framework 3.0?
By Joydip Kanjilal
Microsoft s .NET Framework 3.0 is a combination of theexisting .NET Framework 2.0 (you have the Microsoft .NET CLR 2.0, the Microsoft.NET 2.0 Base Class Library, etc.) and the four major newly added components:Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, WindowsWorkflow Foundation, and Windows CardSpace. This article explains the newfeatures in .NET Framework 3.0, with a briefing on Windows PresentationFoundation (WPF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows WorkflowFoundation (WF), and Windows CardSpace (WCS).
What Is .NET Framework 3.0?
Microsoft s .NET Framework 3.0 is an extension of theexisting Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. It combines the power of the .NETFramework version 2.0 with new technologies for building applications that havevisually compelling user experiences, seamless communication across technologyboundaries, and the ability to support a wide range of business processes. Thisnew version of the framework uses the same CLR (i.e., CLR version 2.0) withsome new libraries added. There are hardly any notable architectural changes inMicrosoft .NET Framework 3.0 compared to its earlier counterpart, except thatthe following components have been incorporated:
Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Communication Foundation
Windows Workflow Foundation
Windows CardSpace
Windows Presentation Foundation is a framework thatpresents 3D advanced graphics to provide a consistent platform for userinterfaces. Furthermore, it uses the Extensible Application Markup Language(XAML), an XML-based platform-independent language that enables you to defineyour user interface declaratively.
Windows Communication Foundation is a service-orientedmessaging system that offers you reliable, transacted services. The WindowsCommunication Foundation supports interoperable communications using the SOAPprotocol and offers reliability, security, and transactional support for suchcommunications.
You can use Windows Workflow Foundation for automatingtasks using workflows; in essence, defining your business processes. But, whatare these tasks, business processes, and workflows? According to the WorkflowManagement Coalition (WFMC), a business process may be defined as A set of oneor more linked procedures or activities which collectively realize a businessobjective or policy goal, normally within the context of an organizationalstructure defining functional roles and relationships.
WFMC states that workflow is the automation of a businessprocess, in whole or part, during which documents, information, or tasks arepassed from one participant to another for action, according to a set ofprocedural rules. You can learn more about this in my article BusinessProcess Management: Bridging the Gap between Business and IT.
Windows CardSpace is a software component that securelystores a person s digital identities and provides a unified interface forchoosing the identity for a particular transaction, such as logging in to a Website.
The Microsoft .NET Framework Community says, Use the .NETFramework 3.0 today to build applications that have visually compelling userexperiences, seamless communication across technology boundaries, the abilityto support a wide range of business processes, and an easier way to manage yourpersonal information online.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 is a combination of Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 with four major components: Windows Presentation Foundation,Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, and WindowsCardSpace. Visit http://www.netfx3.com to learnmore!
Working extensively in Microsoft technologies for more than 10years, Joydip Kanjilal is a SeniorTechnical Leader in the Design and Architecture team for a company in Hyderabad, India. His programmingskills include C, C++, Java, C#, VB, VC++, ASP.NET, XML, and UML. An ASP.NETMVP, he has worked with .NET and C# for more than five years. Reach Joydip at mailto:[email protected] orat his blog at: http://aspadvice.com/blogs/joydip/.
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