SharePoint 2016: Workflow Installation
Everything you need to know to install Workflow Manager components in SharePoint 2016
March 31, 2016
As you know SharePoint 2016 hit RTM a week or so ago and now we get to look forward to the official launch event on May 4th, if you haven’t got the blatant Star Wars reference with that date then you are not a true Geek, just kidding.
Anyway as I have built multiple SharePoint 2016 Farms, one of the items that still needs to be done is the installation of the Workflow Manager components if you wish to use the SharePoint 2013 Workflow components. The easiest way of doing this is to first make sure you install the “Web Platform Installer” as you did before, this is done by downloading it and then running the installer. Once done, simply close it as it is much easier to just use the command line to install.
I am going to use the following path for the downloading and installation, if you use something else then you will need to modify the commands.
Now we need to open a PowerShell window and run the following commands:
Webpicmd /offline /Products:ServiceBus /Path:C:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowServiceBusWebpicmd /offline /Products:WorkflowClient /Path:C:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowClientWebpicmd /offline /Products:WorkflowManagerRefresh /Path:C:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowManager
We then to download the Service Bus update manually and save it to the root directly.
Now we should have the following structure:
Now to install, we use the following commands in the PowerShell window, in the order outlined below:
WebpiCmd.exe /Install /Products:ServiceBus /XML:C:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowServiceBusfeedslatestwebproductlist.xml /AcceptEula /SuppressPostFinishC:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowServiceBus-KB2799752-x64-EN.exeWebpiCmd.exe /Install /Products:WorkflowClient /XML:C:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowClientfeedslatestwebproductlist.xml /AcceptEula /SuppressPostFinishWebpiCmd.exe /Install /Products:WorkflowManagerRefresh /XML:C:SetupSourcesComponentsWorkflowManagerfeedslatestwebproductlist.xml /AcceptEula /SuppressPostFinish
This will install the core components as needed which will then allow us to run the configuration screens as needed. Remember to do the installation you need to run the “Workflow Manager Configuration” wizard first.
Complete the settings as needed. As a note I used a Certificate Authority that I installed into my domain environment and issued certificates for each part of the setup. You will need the service certificate (the one IIS uses), then a Workflow outbound Signing Certificate along with an Encryption Certificate. The Service Bus components then need a Farm Certificate and an Encryption Certificate. If you are just using a Development environment you could use the same certificate for all of them, however for production of course you would not.
Finally you need to register the Workflow Services into SharePoint. The following command may need to be ran before you actually register the Workflow Service.
$config = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig)$config.AllowOAuthOverHttp = $true$config.AllowMetaDataOverHttp = $true$config.Update()
To register it, we can use the following depending on whether we are using HTTP or HTTPS.
Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite "{Site Collection URL}" -WorkflowHostUri https://{Workflow URL}:12290
Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite "{Site Collection URL}" -WorkflowHostUri http://{Workflow URL}:12291 - AllowOAuthHttp
Once this is all completed you can then launch SharePoint Designer 2013, yes I did say SharePoint Designer 2013, connect it to your SharePoint 2016 Farm and create both SharePoint 2010 and 2013 Workflows.
There you have it, SharePoint 2016, plus the Workflow Manager Components so you can still create both SharePoint 2010 and 2013 Workflows.
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