Q: How do I install 64-bit Outlook 2010 from the Office 2010 installation DVD?Q: How do I install 64-bit Outlook 2010 from the Office 2010 installation DVD?
To install the 64-bit version of Outlook 2010 from the Office 2010 DVD, you must bypass the autorun setup.exe, which installs the 32-bit Outlook version.
December 29, 2011
A:I have the Microsoft Office 2010 DVD for installations. This media, as you or a customer might obtain from a retailer (or even TechNet), contains boththe 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Office, which includes Outlook 2010 as well as Word 2010, Excel 2010, Access 2010, and PowerPoint 2010. You caninstall Outlook 2010 by itself or with any combination of applications from the Office suite. Although I'm sure most of you use some centrally manageddeployment tools, including workstation images, there's a minor catch if you intend to install the 64-bit version of Office from the DVD media.
Obviously, the 64-bit version of Office requires a 64-bit version of Windows, as we discussed in "64-Bit Outlook 2010: Mind Your Bitness." Even with 64-bit Windows, if you let autorun launch setup.exe,found at the root of the DVD as Figure 1 shows, Office installs the 32-bit version of Office without prompting for a choice.
Figure 1: The Office 2010 installation disk showing setup.exe at the root of the DVD
If you want to install the64-bit version from the Office 2010 DVD, you must navigate to the x64 folder, which contains the entire 64-bit Office 2010 installation, and launchsetup.exe from there.
Should you mistakenly install the 32-bit version of Office 2010, you have to uninstall it completely before you can then install the 64-bit version.The two cannot coexist on a single Windows installation.
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