Outlook: Extending Deadlines for Your TasksOutlook: Extending Deadlines for Your Tasks
Learn how to reset deadlines for overdue tasks.
July 27, 2003
I have several tasks that are overdue. Can I reset the due dates for all of them to tomorrow?
One quick technique for resetting your due dates is to use a view grouped on the Due Date field and drag overdue tasks to the group that represents tomorrow's tasks. Start with a table view of your Tasks folder, then right-click the column headings and choose Customize Current View. Click Group By, and choose Due Date as the grouping field. Click OK until you return to the view. Choose View, Expand/Collapse Groups, Collapse All Groups to make the groups easier to see. If you don't already have a task due tomorrow, edit any overdue task to change its Due Date to tomorrow. After you save that task, you should see a group with tomorrow's date. Finally, select all the groups that represent earlier dates, then drag them to the group with tomorrow's date. Before you release the mouse button, you should see the pop-up tip Change Due Date to , indicating that dropping the items on the group will change the Due Date to the next day.
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