How do I install multiple hotfixes at the same time?

John Savill

March 4, 1999

3 Min Read
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A. A. When you extract the files in a hotfix, generally thefollowing will be extracted

  • hotfix.exe

  • hotfix.inf

  • a number of executables/drivers/sys files etc (usually one file)

The hotfix.exe is the same executable for all the hotfixes, and thehotfix.inf is basically the same, the only difference is the files that are tobe copied, e.g. tcpip.sys, and a description of the hotfix. To install multiplehotfixes at the same time all that is needed is to decompress the hotfix filesand update the hotfix.inf with the information on which files to copy.

  1. Create a directory on a disk called hotfix
    md hotfix

  2. From the command line decompress the hotfixes you wish to install,note each time you decompress a hotfix a new hotfix.inf willoverwrite the existing one so you may wish to backup the .inf files
    - /x, e.g. javafixi /x
    - you will be asked where to extract the hot fix files to, enter the hotfixdirectory and click OK, e.g. d:hotfix
    - copy the hotfix.inf file to the name of the hotfix, e.g.
    copy hotfix.inf javafix.inf

  3. You will now have a number of files in the hotfix directory, withhotfix.exe, hotfix.inf and all the versions of the .inf files you copied. Younow need to merge the contents of the .inf files into one main hotfix.inffile.
    If the hotfix you extracted had file tcpip.sys (ignore the .dbg files) you needto update the hotfix.inf file to include the copying of this file. SinceTCPIP.SYS lives in the system32/drivers directory, you would add the lineTCPIP.SYS to the [Drivers.files] section of the hotfix.inf file, e.g.
    You also need to add TCPIP.SYS to the [SourceDisksFiles] section, e.g.

  4. Finally you need to add a comment at the end of the hotfix.inf file with adescription of the hotfix in the [strings] section with the Q number and acomment, e.g.
    COMMENT="This fix corrects the port 139 OOB attack"
    For multiple comments and numbers use HOTFIX_NUMBER2, COMMENT2 etc.

The reason we copied the .inf files is that you can just cut and paste thehotfix specific information to the common hotfix.inf. When you decompressed ahotfix you will see which files were created, you could then search the .inffile for the file name and it would be in two places, the directory it belongsin and the [SourceDisksFiles] section. You could then go to the bottom of thefile and cut and paste the HOTFIX_NUMBER and COMMENT and add to the end ofHOTFIX.INF.

This is very hard to explain and an example is probably the best way todemonstrate this. Suppose you want to install

  • The java hotfix - javafixi.exe

  • The OOB data hotfix - oobfix_i.exe

  • The GetAdmin hotfix - admnfixi.exe

The procedure would be as follows

  1. Decompress the hotfixes to the hotfix directory and after each extractionbackup the hotfix.inf file in the order admnfixi.exe - javafixi.exe -oobfix_i.exe

  2. Admnfixi.exe consists of ntkrnlmp.exe and ntoskrnl.exe, search admnfixi.inf(the copy we made) for the files and they appear as follows



    COMMENT="This fix corrects GETADMIN problem"

  3. javafixi.exe consists of win32k.sys so search javafixi.inf forwin32k.sys


    COMMENT="This fix corrects the problem with True Color adapter cards andJava"

  4. The current version of hotfix.inf already contains the information for theoobfix as it was the last installed, so the information for the above 2 must beadded resulting in the changes being






    ;; this part needs modifying, only one HOTFIX_NUMBER can be passed socreated your own internal reference,
    ;; e.g. Q99999 and also the comments need a unique number at the end, e.g.comment1, comment2 otherwise
    ;; only the first comment will be entered
    COMMENT1="This fix corrects the port 139 OOB attack"
    COMMENT2="This fix corrects GETADMIN problem"
    COMMENT3="This fix corrects the problem with True Color adapter cards andJava"

To install just type


from the directory created (i.e. hotfix), you will see a dialog copying thefiles (the ones you have specified in the hotfix.inf file :-) ), and the systemwill reboot. To see what hotfixes are installed:

  1. Start the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe)

  2. Look at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionHotfix values

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