How can I modify the installation credential settings in Windows 2000?
May 7, 2002
A. An administrator can lock down a system to prevent a user from installing new software, or the administrator can configure the system so that the user can provide credentials to allow the installation to continue. To modify the installation credential settings for one machine, perform the following steps:
Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer subkey.
Double-click the NoRunasInstallPrompt value; set it to 1 to disable credentials or 0 to allow credentials.
Click OK.
To modify the installation credential settings for network installations, perform the following steps:
Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer subkey.
Double-click the PromptRunasInstallNetPath value; set it to 1 to disable credentials or 0 to allow credentials.
Click OK.
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